Chapter 7 - Unexpected

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I'm absent from class today as I'm still running a fever, although it's not too severe. Resting is crucial for my recovery. Following last night's events, Mr. Mizuki left early at five in the morning without uttering a word. He bid me goodbye and departed. Meanwhile, Gin texted me to check my well-being and mentioned that he would visit my house after his class.

Moments later, I received a text from Gin informing me that his class had ended and he was going to my house. As I sat in the living room, I heard a knock at the door, and I knew it was Gin. I felt excited as I expected our meeting, as I had much to share with him.

"GIN!" I exclaimed, yelling his name as I swung the door open. However, to my surprise, it wasn't Gin standing there but Mr. Mizuki. I was taken aback for a moment. "Hello, Akira. It's Mizuki Inei, remember?" he said with a playful tone, teasing me and letting out a laugh.

[Mr. Mizuki had not mentioned any intention of meeting Akira again, so she assumed their encounter last night would be their final interaction. The memory of the unexpected kiss still lingered, making the situation even more awkward for her. She felt uneasy, as the kiss had happened without her consent. Akira wondered if Mr. Mizuki had genuine feelings for her or if it was just a fleeting moment. She couldn't shake off the discomfort and wondered how their relationship would unfold from that point onward.]

"Erm, why are you here?" I asked, trying to hide my surprise.

"I wanted to check on you and see if you're feeling better. I also brought you some fruits," Mr. Mizuki replied, his curiosity evident as he asked, "By the way, who is Gin? What's your relationship with him?"

"Oh, Gin is my childhood friend and my best friend," I explained, wondering why Mr. Mizuki was interested in knowing about Gin."

"So, Gin is a guy. Ahm. Okay." he murmured

A minute passed, and Mr. Mizuki asked if he could drink a glass of water. I invited him inside, and he appeared delighted by the invitation. I handed him a glass of water and said, "Here's your water. Feel free to have a drink and leave whenever you're ready." To my surprise, he responded, "You're being too hasty, sending me away as soon as I arrive. Why don't you let me rest for a while? I'm not busy today." Inside my head, anxiety started to creep in. I couldn't help but worry about Gin's arrival. What if he sees Mr. Mizuki here with me, alone in my house? What conclusions will he draw from that?

"Akira, you seem lost in thought, huh?" He whispered in my ear, his soft, masculine voice sending shivers down my spine. Startled, I snapped at him, "Hey! What are you doing beside me, whispering and murmuring? Don't ever do that again! Go back to your seat!" I was frustrated and angry. "Okay, sorry. I won't do it again," he apologized, returning to his seat. But as I observed him, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. There was a strange gleam in his eyes, hinting at a secret plan.

As time passed, I anxiously awaited Gin's arrival, and soon enough, there was a knock at my door. Opening it, I was relieved to see Gin standing there. "Why did you come so late? Is everything okay?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. "I'm sorry, I got caught up at the bakery. But look! I brought your favorite vanilla cake," Gin said, holding up the box with a smile. "Wow, thank you, Gin! You always know how to make me happy," I exclaimed gratefully.

I invited Gin into the house to join me in enjoying the cake, but I suddenly realized that Mr. Mizuki was still there. I hesitated, unsure of how to break the news to Gin. With a nervous stutter, I finally said, "Um, Gin, I have a visitor."

Mr. Mizuki extended a friendly greeting to Gin, saying, "Hello, good afternoon. I'm Inei Mizuki. So, you must be Gin, Akira's best friend. Ah, and you're one of the students attending Ibaraki Senior High School."

Surprised by Mr. Mizuki's presence, Gin asked with surprise, "Oh, yes, I'm Gin Hiroshi from Ibaraki Senior High School. May I ask why you're here? How did you come to know Akira?"

Unsure about what to do, I gathered my thoughts and decided. "Hey, both of you, let's sit down and have a conversation, okay?" I suggested with a calm smile. However, before proceeding, Mr. Mizuki added, "Akira, I need to leave now. I have an urgent meeting at school today." He swiftly stood up and began to make his way out. "Goodbye, Akira, and see you tomorrow, Gin, at school," Mr. Mizuki bid farewell before leaving the house.

Gin and I were in awkward silence, unsure how to break the ice. Feeling the need to initiate a conversation, I whispered his name. "Gin?" He turned towards me, offering a warm smile. "Hey, Akira. Let's dig into this cake. It's your favorite, right?" I nodded in agreement, relieved by his easy going behavior. "Sure, just give me a moment. I'll grab some plates and enjoy this delicious cake together."

We sat down and began eating, the familiarity of the cake helping to alleviate the tension. Despite the external calmness, I couldn't help but wonder what was going through Gin's mind. I sincerely wanted to understand and unravel his thoughts and feelings.

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