Chapter 3 - Sensei

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Friday morning, I dawned with a panoramic scene—a canvas of clear blue sky and a bright sun ascending from the horizon. The gentle breeze brushed against my skin, leaving a faint chill to stimulate my senses. The melodic chorus of birds filled the air as children ran down the street, eager to launch on their day of learning. I went to school with a spring in my step, relishing in the delightful sensations that embraced me. Finally, I reached my destination unscathed, ready to unravel the secrets that awaited me within those familiar halls.

As I approached my shoe locker to change, my heart skipped when I saw Yuki entering the school gate. In a moment of panic, I hurriedly ducked into the hidden shadows behind the lockers, desperate to avoid her gaze. "Phew! I must hurry and find a haven. Now is not the time to confront her," I whispered to myself, determination fueling my swift movements.

The resounding chimes of the school bells echoed through the corridors, punctuating the air with their familiar melody.



Each echo pushed me further into the depths of uncertainty, strengthening the weight of my secrets and the unanswered questions that consumed my thoughts. "Good morning, Class B," Mr. Ito's warm voice filled the room, eliciting a chorus of greetings from the eager students. "Good morning, Mr. Ito," we responded in unison, our collective voices harmonizing with a sense of anticipation.

As the class settled, Mr. Ito began his lesson with a captivating introduction. "Today, we embark on a journey into the enchanting realm of poetry. Open your books to page 107, and let's dive into the captivating world of words and emotions." A wave of excitement washed over me as I turned to the designated page, my eyes scanning the lines of verses that awaited. "How wonderful! A chance to grip me in the rhythm and beauty of poetry," I whispered, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

[An aspiring writer and poet, Akira embarked on her creative journey at a very young age. Even as a grade school student, the seeds of her passion for poetry had already taken root within her. She would often find solace in crafting verses, pouring her thoughts and emotions onto paper, and bringing her inner world to life through the power of words.]

As Mr. Ito commenced reading the poem's first verse, its profound message about love resonated throughout the classroom. It spoke of a love transcending boundaries— distance, age, status, gender, or appearance. The poem emphasizes the importance of fighting for love, regardless of the obstacles that may arise. As I listened to the words unfold, a realization dawned upon me. It was time for me to confront Yuki and seek the answers I desperately sought.

The phrase "Love is like a camera; we need to capture someone's heart to develop a relationship—make it a beautiful photograph" echoed in my mind, leaving a lasting impression. At that moment, my thoughts drifted back to the handsome guy I had encountered, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of picture we could create together. "Kay! I love this phrase. I want to develop a relationship with him!" I yelled out, unintentionally raising my voice. The sudden burst caught everyone's attention, leaving me feeling embarrassed and self-conscious. Mr. Ito called my name and asked, "Akira, have you ever been in love?" The entire class erupted in teasing laughter, and I was frozen, unable to raise my hand due to overwhelming shame. "Hmm, pardon, Sir?" I stuttered, hesitant to answer his question. The room filled with an awkward silence as Mr. Ito's laughter echoed through the classroom. It was evident that he was teasing me, adding to my embarrassment. "Akira Kaneko, are you daydreaming about my lesson? You kept grinning at your book while I was reading," Mr. Ito questioned, his voice filled with curiosity. He approached me and whispered, "You'll come to my office after class." I nodded, my voice barely loud as I replied, "Yes, Sir."

My English teacher, Ayumu Ito, is a twenty-six-year-old single man who is adored by everyone, particularly the girls, fellow teachers, and students. With his long blonde hair, usually tied back in a ponytail during class, fair skin, round brown eyes, a slightly pointed nose, and lips with a hint of red, he embodies the epitome of perfection that one could ever imagine.

After class, I missed the chance to speak with Yuki. She had already left for home, and I decided not to chase after her as I had to head to Mr. Ayumu's office. Walking down the hallway to his office, a sense of worry inched over me. I hesitated briefly before finally mustering the courage to knock on the door. With a deep breath, I exhaled, bracing myself for whatever lay ahead. The door cast a faint squeak as I turned the knob and entered the room. "Who's there?" Mr. Ito's voice called out, inviting me to come in.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ito. It's Akira Kaneko. You asked me to come to your office after class," I said, maintaining my composure. Mr. Ito acknowledged my presence and responded, "Yes, I wanted to talk to you about something." I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what he was about to say. "Regarding the incident the other day when you witnessed Yozora and Mizuki kissing, I was also present. I noticed the surprise on your face, which made me weigh something," Mr. Ito stated, calm and composed. "It happened to me that you might have developed feelings for Inei Mizuki."

"Oh, so his name is Inei Mizuki," I exclaimed, finally learning the name that has been lingering in my mind for days."Inei is my best friend. We've known each other since high school," Mr. Ito shared, his voice filled with warmth and fondness. He recounted numerous stories about their friendship, from their mischievous adventures in school to the heartfelt moments they had shared over the years. As the sun descended towards the horizon, he continued to amuse me with stories of their unbreakable bond, engaging me in their friendship and mutual support journey.

"Mr. Ito, I need to head home now. My mother will scold me if I'm late," I said, my voice carrying a gentle tone of urgency. "I will take you home. Don't worry; wait for me while I grab my car key," he offered, rushing to retrieve it. As he hurried away, I hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to accept his offer or politely decline.

As we sat in the car, a heavy silence hung in the air, making it difficult for me to initiate a conversation. Breaking the tension, Mr. Ito approached me and asked for my address. However, his unexpected request for my phone number caught me off guard. I hesitated shortly, my curiosity awakened, before deciding to comply. "Sure, Mr. Ito," I responded, handing him my number and swiftly exiting the car, leaving an air of intrigue and uncertainty.

Confusion filled my mind as I wondered, "Why would Mr. Ito ask for my number? It's rather weird."

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