Chapter 17 - Good-Bye

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When I arrived at my place, my heart dropped as I spotted Yuki standing by my driveway, tears streaming down her face, her expression filled with anxiety and distress.

"I'm in deep trouble. How am I going to face Yuki at this moment?"

I sat in the car for about ten minutes, grappling with how to confront the situation with Yuki. Eventually, I mustered the courage to approach her. Calling out her name, I entered the car and sat beside her. It felt like being on trial, rendering me unable to speak coherently due to nervousness. The sensation of your soul separating from your body is indescribable when you've wronged your partner.

"I can't help it."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Yuki's reflection in the rearview mirror, her gaze fixed straight ahead while my hands tightly gripped the steering wheel. My heart raced uncontrollably. What if Yuki had grown tired of enduring my transgressions and decided to give up on me? In the worst-case scenario, what if she chose to end our relationship after years together?

"Babe?" I called out softly, my voice barely loud. Her beautiful eyes appeared down and swollen. In a brief moment, our eyes met, and suddenly she turned towards me, embracing me tightly. All my worries scattered like a vanishing spell, replaced by the engulfing presence of her warmth against my skin. Her touch calmed my senses.

With a gentle stroke, I caressed her hair, feeling the rapid rhythm of her heart against my chest. "Yuki, are you okay?" I asked, but she continued to sob, holding onto me tightly. I could hear her breaths growing steadier as she leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I love you, Babe, but..." She couldn't finish her sentence, leaving me intrigued. I gently pushed her away to meet her gaze, tears still streaming down her cheeks. "Yuki, please look at me. What do you want to tell me? Let me know so that I can do whatever it takes to stop your tears," I pleaded softly, hoping for answers to ease her pain.

After a few minutes, Yuki's tears subsided, and she reached into her bag for a handkerchief to wipe her eyes. Then, she smiled at me as if the tears had never fallen. It left me feeling both shocked and puzzled. "Wow, Babe, you went from crying to smiling instantly. You're quite a mystery," I thought, taken aback by the sudden shift in her emotions.

I parked the car and suggested, "Come on, Babe, let's go inside my house tonight. I'll cook dinner for you." We entered the house and enjoyed a meal together. As the clock struck eight in the evening, we finally broached the subject of Hina. I explained to Yuki that Hina and I were no longer connected; she was now a part of my past.

"Inei, can we go somewhere tonight?" Yuki's voice sounded different, lacking its usual weakness and loneliness. I couldn't help but wonder if she was feeling unwell or something troubling was happening in her family or studies. I wanted to find out. "Sure! Let's go," I replied, eager to discover what was on her mind.

I decided to take Yuki to the park where our paths first crossed two years ago. It was a nostalgic and sentimental place reminiscent of when I first fell in love with her at first sight. The chilly wind brushed against us. I noticed that Yuki seemed unusually quiet, which caught me off guard.

"I'm not used to her being so silent," I whispered. In an attempt to break the silence, I gently kissed her hand. However, to my surprise, she didn't appreciate the gesture. I could sense a sudden chill in her behavior. "Ahem..." I cleared my throat, gathering the courage to ask her what was on her mind, hoping she would open up to me. But instead, she burst into laughter as if there was no tomorrow.

"Jeez!" I exclaimed, feeling a mix of confusion and frustration. We were holding hands, but suddenly she let go and began to walk away from me, not even sparing me a glance. I instinctively reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her closer so that our eyes met. Something felt off like I no longer knew the person standing before me. The once cheerful and tender girl had turned as cold as ice. I could see a glimmer of intent in Yuki's eyes, as if she wanted to convey something important, yet she was searching for the right moment to speak.

Hmmm... Yuki called my name with a smile, and I couldn't help but wonder why. But something was chilling about her demeanor, something I dreaded hearing.

"Babe, let's break up," she whispered.

"Wait, did I hear you correctly? Can you please repeat what you just said, Yuki?" My mind was hazy, and I struggled to process her words. At that moment, I felt like I was falling, unable to find my ground.

Yuki repeated her words, making it painfully clear that she wanted to end our relationship. "Inei, this decision has been agonizing for me. I've thought about it for a long time, but I want to be the only woman in your heart. I'm tired of always forgiving you only to find you with someone more beautiful than me. I'm consumed by jealousy," she confessed, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry, Babe. Even if I promise to change, I know deep down that I can't. But now, I'm ready to change for you. Please don't leave me, don't break up with me," I pleaded with her, my voice filled with desperation.

My heart felt torn in two, a sharp pang piercing through me. I realized at that moment just how much I loved Yuki, but it was too late now. She was exhausted with me, and I had no one to blame but myself—not Yuki.

"Thank you for everything, Inei Mizuki," she said, her words carrying a mix of gratitude and finality.

I watched as she walked away, tears clouding my vision. The weight of my mistakes hung heavy in the air, and I knew deep down that this was a chapter of my life that had come to a painful end.

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