Chapter 20 - Confession

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Shallow words couldn't capture the depth of my feelings for Akira. She was like cherry blossoms on a spring day—radiant, captivating, and stealing my heart effortlessly. She brought warmth into my life like a bright sun after a long, cold winter. She was a gentle breeze by the seaside, wrapping me in her embrace wherever we went. Her touch and kisses all soothed my senses in ways words couldn't express. As Akira continued sleeping peacefully beside me, I couldn't help but reflect that I had been in love with her for half my life. Love turned me into a poet, as I longed to shield her heart from those who would flirt with her and cause her pain, particularly someone like Mr. Inei Mizuki.

Akira finally woke a minute later, realizing she had dozed off. At last, we arrived safely at our destination. During the excitement, I realized that I had completely forgotten about all the preparations I had made for this trip, including the detailed itinerary I had planned. A mixture of excitement and nervousness filled my being as I realized I would spend this time alone with her. We stepped off the train, and in my excitement, I failed to notice that Akira was walking ahead of me. As I finally caught up with her, I was captivated by her radiant smile. It was as if she were an angel standing right before me, and at that moment, my nervousness melted away. I couldn't help but reach out for her right hand, hoping she wouldn't mind. All I wanted was for us to walk through Tokyo hand in hand, like a couple deeply in love.

"Gin, are you alright?" she asked, leaning closer and snapping me out of my daydream.

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry," I stuttered in response.

Feeling tired from exploring the city, I took her to a restaurant with a cozy ambiance. Akira sat across from me, engrossed in the menu, while I quietly made plans. I envisioned taking her to Shibuya Sky, where we could watch the sunset together and perhaps, once again, confess my love. Maybe this time, she would finally acknowledge my feelings.

I glanced at my phone screen, noticing the steady blinking light indicating unread messages. It had been on silent mode, so I waited a few minutes before picking it up. My mom's message struck me as odd because she knew Akira was with me in Tokyo. Opening the message, I was taken aback by its contents—My father was in an accident in a hospital near Ibaraki. "Gin? You look pale," Akira observed, concern evident in her voice. I wasn't even aware of the expression on my face as I stood before her, feeling numb. "Um, sorry, Kira, but I'm fine," I lied, trying to mask my emotions.

I didn't know what to do. On the one hand, I wanted to cherish every moment with Akira on this special day—a rare opportunity to confess my feelings.

On the other hand, I couldn't shake the worry about my father lying in a hospital bed. "I'll excuse myself to the restroom for a moment, Kira," I informed her, and she nodded understandingly. I hurriedly went to the restroom, splashing water on my face to regain composure and collect my thoughts. "Stay calm," I whispered to myself. After a few minutes, I decided to call my mom, but she didn't answer. Anxiety began growing within me, but I forced my mind to remain steady, taking a deep breath. "Okay, I'll return to Akira before trying to reach my mom again."

I approached Akira and sat before her, offering a gentle smile while inquiring about her menu choice. "Have you decided what to eat?" I asked. Her voice excitedly as she responded, "Yes, I'll have the steak with mashed potatoes." Maintaining a face of normalcy, I acted as if nothing troubling had occurred. I didn't want to ruin the mood, so I asked her where she would like to go after our meal and she answered that she loves to go to Shibuya Sky and watch the sunset—those words filled me with renewed hope, as it was the perfect setting for another confession.

It took us a couple of hours to finish our meals, during which time I regained my composure. I felt reassured that my dad was okay and hadn't sustained any serious injuries. I needed to remain calm and fully immerse myself in the date with Akira. As we strolled through the Metro together, I glanced at my wristwatch and noticed it was almost five in the afternoon. The sun was on the verge of setting. "Let's head to Shibuya Sky, Kira!" I exclaimed, a hint of a smirk playing on my lips.

While riding the escalator to reach the top, I impulsively reached for Akira's delicate hand, fearing that she might let go and feel uncomfortable. But as I glanced at her beside me, I noticed a look of happiness and excitement on her face. Encouraged by her reaction, I took the chance to intertwine our fingers and hold her hand.

Finally, we arrived at the top, seemingly with only a few people around. A wave of nervousness washed over me as I weighed, confessing my feelings again, years after our initial attempt when we were still so young. Akira turned slightly away from me, her gaze on the setting sun. Gathering my courage, I approached her slowly, wrapping my arms around her from behind and whispering into her ear. "Akira Kaneko, my best friend, my favorite enemy. I love you. I've liked you ever since the day we first met," I confessed, my words accompanied by tears streaming down my face. For a few fleeting moments, the world seemed to stand still. Then, suddenly, Akira grabbed my arm, turning around to face me with a bright smile resembling an angel. She gently patted my head and enveloped me in a tight embrace.

At that moment, a flood of memories from our childhood flashed through my mind. I remembered how she had defended me against bullies, offering warmth and solace in her embrace, making me feel safe. I was deeply in love with Akira, but at that moment, I genuinely did not want to hear her answer. Was this hug a farewell as best friends or the beginning of a new chapter as lovers?

"I'm terrified," I confessed, my voice filled with fear and uncertainty.

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