Chapter 9 - Childhood Best friend

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[After receiving the call from Akira, Gin swiftly vanished from Mr. Mizuki's presence, his feet carrying him as if guided by a hidden force with each step, a mix of physical and emotional pain coursed through his body, unrevealed to him, as tears silently cascaded down his cheeks. The weight of Mr. Mizuki's words, spoken earnestly, echoed in his mind, leaving no room for other thoughts.

At that moment, the depth of Gin's love for his best friend became crystal clear. The mere idea of surrendering Akira to Mr. Mizuki or anyone else was unbearable to him. He knew he had to confess his feelings and stake his claim on her heart before others could steal her.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Gin arrived at Akira's doorstep, his hand instinctively reaching for his phone. He hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to call her first. Eventually, he dialed her number, and she answered promptly.]

"Hello, Gin? Where are you right now?" Her words carried a sense of urgency. "Oh, I... I'm right outside your door. I completely forgot to knock," Gin admitted absentmindedly, his thoughts consumed by his overwhelming emotions. "Okay, I'll be right there. Give me a moment to come downstairs and open the door for you," Akira responded, her voice filled with surprise and anticipation.

With those words, the call abruptly ended, and my heart raced as I awaited Akira's arrival. Moments later, the door swung open, showing Akira standing there, her expression caught between surprise and curiosity. Without thinking, I was overwhelmed by my emotions, and I instinctively pulled her into a tight embrace. My arms wrapped around her passionately as if trying to convey all the love and longing bottled up inside me for so long. At that moment, everything else faded away, and it was just the two of us, locked in an embrace that spoke volumes without the need for words.

"Gin? What's happening to you? Are you alright?" she murmured, concern evident in her voice. My mind was blank, overwhelmed by emotions, and I couldn't resist the urge to hold her tightly. At that moment, I realized that I only wanted Akira—no one else.

"I feel so lonely and desperate, and all I want is to hug you and..." My voice trailed off, unable to find the right words to express the depth of my emotions.

Akira approached me, her hand gently caressing my head, offering a soothing touch that eased my worry. I couldn't hold back anymore, sobbing on her shoulder like a child. Yes, I was a crybaby, but I felt safe in her embrace at that moment.

"Don't worry, Gin. I'm here for you. But first, let's go inside," she said, guiding me towards her home. As we entered, I noticed that it was already six o'clock in the evening. Akira invited me to have dinner with her, reassuring me that everything would be alright.

"Just relax, Gin. I'll cook your favorite food, and let's have dinner together. I'll go ahead and get started, alright?" Akira's comforting words filled the air, giving me a sense of comfort and warmth.

As Akira busied herself in the kitchen, preparing our dinner, a wave of self-consciousness washed over me. I couldn't help but scold myself for my earlier actions. "Oh, how foolish I must have looked," I thought, feeling a sense of embarrassment I had never experienced before. My love for Akira ran deep, and it overwhelmed me, leaving me vulnerable and unable to control my emotions. However, I couldn't shake the fear of rejection, worried that she might only see me as a friend and nothing more.

Lost in my thoughts, I found myself gazing at Akira, studying her every move. She noticed my intense stare and couldn't help but inquire, "Gin, what's going on? Is there something on my face? Why are you staring at me like that?" Startled out of my daydreaming, I quickly composed myself, not wanting to reveal the turmoil within. "Oh, no, nothing specific," I replied with a forced smile, hoping to brush off her curiosity.

As Akira skillfully prepared our meal, a vivid imagination suddenly took hold of me. In an instant, I envisioned a different scenario—a world where Akira and I were a young married couple sharing our lives. The thought brought warmth and happiness, filling me with delight.

But amidst the whirlwind of emotions, an inappropriate impulse surfaced, urging me to give in to my desires. "Oh, no!" I criticize myself, quickly recognizing the perverted nature of my thoughts. I firmly pushed them away, refusing to let intrusive notions poison my mind—my love for Akira deserved respect and purity.

"Hey! What are you muttering?" Akira's voice broke through my thoughts, returning me to the present. Her concerned expression revealed that she had noticed my peculiar behavior. "You're acting weird today. Come here, let's eat!" She called me to join her in the kitchen, where our dinner awaited.

As we sat down to eat, the atmosphere shifted. It felt like we were a young married couple, living out the scenario I had once imagined. The thought made my heart flutter with a mix of joy and nervousness. However, our conversation soon turned intense, and I sensed that Akira had something important to share.

"Ahm, Kira, why did you call me earlier? Do you have something important to tell me?" I asked, trying to maintain a light-hearted behavior while curiosity dashed in my eyes. "Spill it out now. I'm all ears," I added, my smirk betraying a hint of anticipation.

She hesitated for a moment before gathering the courage to speak her mind. "Erm, yes. I want to address what you saw last week," Akira began, her gaze meeting mine directly. "I know you have questions about Mr. Mizuki, and I'm afraid you might distance yourself from me because of it."

Her words hung in the air, and I could sense the openness in her voice. It dawned on me that while I had been grappling with my feelings, she, too, had been carrying her worries and uncertainties.

I couldn't admit the pain and jealousy that poured within me upon witnessing what I had seen. It was a secret burden I chose to bear, not wanting to create awkwardness between Akira and me. So, I kept my genuine emotions hidden, unable to express them directly.

"Hey Gin, are you listening? Hello?" Akira's voice cut through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm alright. Let's finish our food before delving into anything else, okay?" I deflected her questions, avoiding any potential confrontation that could disrupt the pleasant atmosphere we shared.

"AKIRA!! Your cooking has always been incredible, even since we were young. It's delicious!" I exclaimed, my mouth full of food. The taste brought back nostalgic memories, and I couldn't help but compliment her.

As I spoke, I noticed Akira gazing at me, a smile gracing her lips. My heart raced uncontrollably, and I struggled to keep my serenity. "Stop staring at me, Kira, or I might just end up falling in love with you," I playfully added, my words laced with underlying sincerity. "Hahaha! Don't be ridiculous. You're crazy if you think that could ever happen," she burst into laughter, breaking the idea with delight.

[After finishing their meal, the clock struck eight o'clock. Gin and Akira had been childhood friends for as long as they could remember. The bond grew stronger over the years, especially since Akira's parents and siblings were frequently out of town. As a result, it had become routine for Gin to spend the night at Akira's place.]

As the clock struck eight o'clock, Akira proposed the idea of me staying over for the night. The prospect was enticing, especially with a free day ahead due to no school. Memories of the many nights I had spent in Akira's presence flooded my mind, filling me with nostalgia.

"Yeah, that sounds great, Akira. I've missed sleeping over here too," I replied, my excitement evident.

Akira's face lit up with a smile, pleased with my response. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted my mom to let her know my plans.

As we settled into our familiar routine, a mixture of comfort and anticipation filled the air. It made me wonder what this night had in store for us. Would we find the courage to delve into the topic of Mr. Mizuki and confront our true feelings? Only time will tell.

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