Chapter 19 - Magical Moment

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[Gin's POV]

Ten years ago, a childhood friend held a special place in my heart—Akira Kaneko.

[Our bond was forged during our elementary school days when we were both innocent and full of youthful energy—Back then, I endured the painful experience of being bullied due to my appearance. As a chubby boy, I became a target for teasing by my classmates. The torment reached a point where attending school became a dreaded ordeal. Fear kept me from confiding in my parents as I worried they wouldn't understand. Moreover, I dreaded the thought of my classmates discovering that I had sought help and subjecting me to further humiliation on the playground.

It was on a cold Friday morning that everything changed. Akira noticed my tears as I huddled in the corner of the hallway. With compassion in her eyes, she approached me and struck up a conversation, offering comfort and solace. She produced a handkerchief from her pocket and gently patted my shoulder, soothing my troubled soul. The words of encouragement she shared still resonate with me to this day. "Don't worry. I'll be here for you. I can be your friend and stand up against those who try to hurt you." It was at that moment that I began to develop feelings for Akira. We lived as neighbors, which allowed us to attend school together and share our homemade lunches. Weekends were filled with joy as I visited her house, gripping ourselves in video games and developing an unbreakable bond as best friends. I mustered the courage to send her a letter on her twelfth birthday. Although the exact words have faded, I recall it being my first confession letter to Akira. I had meticulously planned my approach, outlining my thoughts in an old notebook. However, due to our youthful naivety, she didn't take my letter seriously. I held onto the belief that someday she would accept my confession and that our relationship would be better than mere friendship.]

The day of our much-anticipated date with Akira has finally arrived. It has been a whole year since we last went out together, and my heart is filled with joy and excitement. The weather is serene, as if nature is in harmony with my emotions. Knowing Akira's love for traveling, the sky and sunset, I wanted to create an experience that would bring her peace in my presence as I pondered over my plans.

Despite my nervousness, I reached into my pocket and retrieved my wallet, eager to check if my budget aligned with our date plans. To my relief and gratitude, my mother gave me my allowance in advance. It's a sign—I can take Akira to Tokyo, a city that holds endless possibilities and promises unforgettable moments.

I can't wait to surprise Akira with our trip to Tokyo. It's going to be an unforgettable experience for both of us. My mom was kind enough to approve the plan, and now I have a whole day of adventures planned in my mind.

Once we arrive in Tokyo, the possibilities are endless. I envision us strolling through the vibrant streets, immersing ourselves in the city's bustling atmosphere. One of my ideas is to catch a movie at Toei Theater, enjoying a captivating story together. And, of course, we must visit Akihabara, the hub of anime, gaming, and all things otaku. Akira will be thrilled to explore the shops, try some arcade games, and find unique collectibles. But the highlight of our day will be witnessing the breathtaking sunset from Shibuya Sky. I imagine us standing there, hand in hand, gazing at the horizon as the sky transforms into a beautiful canvas of colors. It will be a moment of pure serenity and romance.

I can't wait to see Akira's reaction to discovering our Tokyo adventure. It will be a day filled with laughter, joy, and precious memories we will cherish forever.

After an hour of getting ready, carefully choosing an outfit that would impress Akira and hopefully make her fall in love with me, I glanced at myself in the mirror. My tired eyes betrayed the excitement that was bubbling inside me. I quickly applied makeup to hide any signs of fatigue and ensure I appeared presentable in front of her. The anticipation was undeniable.

As I approached Akira's house, I noticed Mr. Mizuki on the other side of the riverbank near the park, seemingly waiting for someone. Curiosity got the better of me, and I checked my phone to see if I still had time before picking up Akira. I hesitated for a moment, contemplating if I should stay and observe who he was waiting for. Could it be that he was waiting for Akira? The thought lingered in my mind, casting doubt over our date. I couldn't let that happen. Mr. Mizuki would be different from the reason for our plans being canceled. "You can't let this happen, Gin," I muttered, determined not to let anyone come between me and Akira.

"Akira is mine, and I refuse to let anyone take her away."

A wave of relief washed over me as I witnessed Mr. Inei Mizuki standing with an average-looking girl wearing a cute dress. It felt like a thorn had been pulled out of my chest, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. With renewed resolve, I hurried to pick up Akira without wasting more time.

"We're going to Tokyo!" I announced, unable to contain my excitement.

Akira's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, really???" she exclaimed, her face lighting up with happiness and anticipation. I nodded eagerly. "Yes! My mom approved it and even gave me my allowance so I could treat you."

A mix of joy and gratitude filled Akira's expression as she took in the news. The uncertainty of our trip to Tokyo was now mixed with gratitude towards my mother for making it possible. We were both ready for an unforgettable adventure together.

Akira, wearing a lovely pastel-colored knee-length dress paired with comfortable sneakers, appeared before me. Her hair was neatly clipped, framing her charming face. My heart skipped a beat as I took in her radiant beauty. Every day, I found myself falling deeper in love with her. I cherished every aspect of her personality, and today, I felt like the luckiest man alive to have her by my side.

As we walked towards the station, a nagging thought overspread my mind. I longed to hold Akira's hand, just like we used to when we were younger. But fear and hesitation gripped me, worrying that she might see me as a pervert and deliver a sudden slap across my face right in front of everyone. "Hey! Is something bothering you? Are you feeling alright?" Akira questioned, her concern evident as she playfully hit my back. "Hahaha! My apologies, Akira," I chuckled, feeling foolish and lame.

Finally, we boarded the train, and luckily, there weren't too many passengers. I cherished the fact that I could spend the next two hours with Akira. If someone were to ask me how I felt at that moment, all I could say is that I felt like I was in heaven, my heart racing with excitement.

About half an hour into the journey, I glanced at Akira sitting beside me, sound asleep with her head gently resting against the train's glass window. I contemplated whether I should tilt her head onto my shoulder to provide her with more comfort. First, I discreetly scanned the surroundings, ensuring no one was paying us any attention. Seeing all was clear, and I extended my hand and carefully guided Akira's head to rest on my shoulder.

Words cannot adequately capture the overwhelming emotions coursing through me. In the ten years of our friendship, this magical moment of having Akira by my side, in such closeness, made it feel like we were a couple.

Wow! The sheer contentment I felt at that moment was indescribable. It was as if all my desires had been fulfilled, and I couldn't ask for anything more. I thought, "I could die now," because I couldn't imagine a more perfect experience than being with Akira on the train in that intimate and serene setting.

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