Chapter 3- Her Scars

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Seth walked to his room carrying Violet then open his door and slowly shuts the door to not wake up Violet. Then he gently puts her down on his nice and clean bed. Then he smiles as she peacefully sleeps.
"She sleeps like an angel.." He said with a smile on his face that didnt disappear for now. Well she was sleeping he was grabbing measuring tapes and a ruler. He also did some paperwork for his master so he can have less work to do the next morning. As he was doing paperwork, he heard a sleepy groan going from Violet. Then he looks at her and says "Oh the sleepy head is finally up."
"Yeah..yeah" Violet said in a sleepy tone as she sits up.
"Hey Miss Violet, is it okay if I do your measurements now?" Seth said as he turns to her.
"Mhm!" Violet said with a tiny smile on her face as she got up.
"Alright then, please take off most of the suit and please tell me when you get uncomfortable." He in the most calming tone he could of done. Violet nodded and she take off her coat and her vest.
"Okay and thank you for listening and not fighting me back." He said grabbing the measuring tape. She nodded again and take in a deep breath hoping he wont see any of her scaring from her master or open wounds. Seth saw a dried blood spot on the back of her white button up and got very concerned.
"Can you lift up some of your shirt please?" Seth said grabbing some bandages just in case.
"Y-yeah.." Violet said nervously as she lift up her shirt but not to much.
Seth eyes widened because he saw so many big scars and 2 sewed up wounds that were bleeding a little. He lightly touched the bleeding sewed up wounds.
"Please be careful that hurts a little..." Violet said as she winces at the pain.
"I will, please let me patch you up fully so they can heal." Seth said. Then Violet nodded as she took a deep breath. Seth started to wrapped up her stomach so it can covered the 2 wounds and help stop the bleeding.
"If you dont mind me asking who did this to you....?" Seth said being a little angered about her getting hurt badly.
"My last Master......master Leo...." Violet said with a shaky voice and said "Please dont tell him that I told you he might come after me.."
Seth hugged her from behind quickly.

"I'm going to protect you with my life and you cant stop me or change my mind.." Seth said in a calming tone as Violet relaxes more because she felt more safe around him.
"Alright, I believe you Seth" She said with smile on her face.
"Good, and you are not wearing any corsets it will hurt your wounds a lot." He said as he let's go of her. Seth finished all the measurements and wrote it down on a piece of paper.
"There is some nightgowns in the closet you can choose one and while you change I will look away and close my eyes" Said Seth as he turned away and closed his eyes. Violet looked through the closet and chose a light purple nightgown then started to change into the light purple nightgown. Then she fixed her cross earring that was on her left ear and eye patch.
"Okay, I'm done" Violet said turning to Seth. Seth turned then one of his eyebrow raise and he asked "Are you going to take off your eye patch? It has to be uncomfortable by the looks of it."
" other eye is different and other people dont like it.." Said Violet.

"This is safe place, I wont judge you but if you dont to show me it's okay" Said Seth as he smiled a little.
"I'm not ready yet." Violet said as she laid back down on the bed.
"Very well, good night Miss Violet" Seth said as he grab his papers. "One more thing Miss Violet, I will train you tomorrow so I will wake you if you dont wake up before I come to your room." Seth said then left the room and shuts the door. Violet sighed a little and smiled. Then she panick a little, she couldn't find her notebook.
I can ask Seth if he has my Notebook, tomorrow morning.
She smiled to herself as she drift off to sleep.

Author's note
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, vote, comment, or something if you want to! Your choices not mine but have a good day or night! Bye bye for now humans or ghosts!

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