continue chapter 8- The doctor visited

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As soon as there was a knock at the doors, Seth opened the doors.
"Hello Dr. Kelly, I'm glad you were able to come and help us." He said with a smiled on his face.
"No problem Seth, I love to help my patients." She said with a smile on her face as she walked in. Seth nodded as he guided her to his master's bedroom then left her alone with the maids. So the doctor can do the check up in peace. Seth went to look for Violet to make sure she is okay. After 25 minutes he found her at the flower garden. He leaned against a wall and watch her as a small smile grew on his face. Violet is walking around and looking at all the beautiful flowers. After a few minutes have passed Dr. Kelly walked up to Seth.
"Seth we have to take him to the hospital, he might have a brain or head injury that we don't know of, so we are taking him. He will be gone for a few weeks hopefully." She said I'm a quiet tone. Seth nodded as he started to get worried. Dr. Kelly walk away and nodded at the nurses to take their master, Ashton away. Seth slowly walk up to Violet. When Violet was picking a flower Seth softly tap her shoulder a few times that cause her jump and scream.
"SETH! You scared me..." She said in a quiet tone.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry Miss Violet.." Seth said calm tone as he bow a little.
"But master will be gone for a few weeks so we are on break. We just have to keep the home clean. Also before you ask we're he is at. He's going to the hospital for multiple check ups." He explained. Violet nodded as she put a daisy in his hair. Seth smile at her and patted her head as a thank you. Then he turn around to the roses and start making a flower crown for her. She watch him a little confused of what he is doing but she was amuse of what he was doing. As 5 minutes passed Seth but a the rose flower crown on her head.
"There we go, beautiful." Seth said as he smile. Violet's eye widen as she was slightly shocked. She hug him very tightly not wanting to let go fully. Seth hugged back as he smile more.
"T-Thank you Seth." She mumble to him.
"No problem, Miss Violet." He said softly and pat her head again.
"Well if we are on break should we go for a nap to get more rest before dinner?" Violet said to see if it was a good idea.
"That's a really good idea. We should do that. Dinner time will be at 6pm if you don't wake up by that time I'll wake up, okay?" He said looking down at her. She smile and nodded as she walk to her room. Seth follow her to go to his room.

At 5:30pm Seth woke up from his nap. He got up and walked out his room then went to the kitchen to see how dinner going. He check on the maids then ask how everything this going. Then ask them if they needed help. Seth set up the table with plates, forks, knives, and glass cups. At 5:55pm He went to go to Violet's room to wake her up and tell her dinner is ready or just tell her dinner is ready.
"I'll be back ladies. Just put the food on the plates and I'll be back.'' He said as he walked out the kitchen. The maids nod and finished up putting the food on the plates.

Seth walked up to Violet's door and knocks on it. Then he knocks again before opening the door. As he open the door, he saw Violet peacefully sleeping on her bed smiling a little in her sleep. Seth slowly walk into her room.
"Miss Violet it's time for dinner." He said calmly. Violet slowly open her eyes then smile at him.
"Hello sleepy head, it's time for dinner." Seth said as he smile softly. Violet nodded as she got up.
"Alright. Also I have you seen my diary...?" She asked.
"Yes, I'll give it to you after dinner." He said as walked away. She got up and follow him.

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