Chapter 4- First day working for Ashton

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When it turn to 4am Violet fell off her bed. -Thud-
"That's one way to wake up" Said Violet as she sighed. It's only 4am! I guess I will start getting ready and explore around. Violet got up and changed out of her nightgown, and into white button up shirt, black vest with her cross attach to it, black pants, black socks, and black shoes. As she walking to her door she puts her up into a bun and tighten her eye patch. When Violet left her room she ran into a maid with one huge stack of white plates. The maid fell and all the plates went into the air. Violet's eyes widen and starts catching every plate as it was like nothing. Plates landed on her head, her hands, and her left foot. The maid got up and was very impressed.
"Woah." Said the maid. Seth walked up to them to see what the problem was. Then Seth saw Violet balancing all the plates. Seth stood there in shocked.
"Some help here please before they all fall and break" Said Violet.
"Oh yeah, ofcourse Miss Violet." Said Seth after he takes all the stacks of plates and gives it to maid.
"That was very impressive" Seth said very shocked. "I never knew you can do that."

"Yeah, I guess I'm very talented.." Violet said looking down a little embarrassed. Seth lifted up her head by her chin.
"Its alright to be talented, it can help you. Now let's go through training, master is already up doing paperwork. So we have to make breakfast for him." Seth said with a smile.
"Okay" Said Violet as she smiled a little. Seth started to walk to the kitchen and Violet followed him.
"Today we will be making eggs and toast for him, it should be very easy." Seth said while grabbing the eggs and bread.
"Mhm! Its super easy." Said Violet as she grabs a pan. Violet help make the food and they were done in 10 minutes.
"Alright, I'll give this to master and can you start cleaning up the kitchen and dust the library please." Said Seth as he walks away to give the food to Ashton who is working on paperwork. Violet sighed a little and started to clean the kitchen quicky because she thinks she will get in trouble if she doesnt move fast enough and doesn't do it correctly. She finished the kitchen in 10 minutes and walked quickly to the library then started dusting immediately. Then Seth went to the kitchen to see if she needed helped but he noticed she was already and was shocked. Then he went to library to check on her and stayed in the doorway then see how fast she was working and how well she was doing it but Violet face look like she was frightened for her life.
"I'm almost done at least...." Violet said as she sigh deeply.
Seth shaked his head and started to help her finish dusting. When Violet went to dust the back of the library and turned around then ran right into Seth. Violet screamed and fell backwards. Seth acted fast and catches her so she didnt fall then hold her close. Violet's eyes widened.
"Sorry if I scared you Miss Violet, I'm just trying to help you finish up.'' Seth said with a smile and slowly let's of Violet.
"Thank you Seth" Violet said with a smile on her face.
"Your welcome." He said and went back to dusting the library. Violet nodded and went back to dusting to.
"Violet, after this all the chores will be done we did must of the chores yesterday and plus our master wants us to get break but he needs to talk to you. Dont worry I'll be in there with you." Said Seth finishing dusting and looking at her.
"Okay, I'm finished should we go now?" Asked Violet. Seth nodded and puts the dusters away. Then he walked to Ashton's office and Violet followed. Seth knocked on Ashton's office door.
"Come in." Said Ashton. They walked in.
"So Violet, your old master is trying to get you back for some odd reason it's only been about 2 days but we will protect you, also there will be ball tomorrow. So you are allow to dress up if you want." Ashton said with a smiled on his face. Violet eyes widen a little and walks out the office quickly. Seth sighed and bowed then left the room. Violet went to the garden to try to escape everyone and she laid down on the ground trying to process the new information as she sighed deeply.
"Why does he want me back....." She said with anger in her voice.
"He didn't want me and I dont want him." She said as her eyes narrow. "I'll make sure he wouldn't want me again. I can protect myself, I'm no weakling..." Violet got up and smirk a little and walked away from the garden. She walked past all the maids and Seth then walked into her room shutting the door and locking it.
She looked through her closet.


As I was looking for Violet to make sure she didnt get hurt, she walked past me with a smirk I never saw from her.
"What in the world..that's very odd and unsettling." I said as my master walked up to me.
"What's in her mind that made that smirk happened?" Asked Ashton.
"No idea Master, we will see tomorrow maybe, I'll try to ask her tonight if she allows me in her room tonight."

"Alright and thank you Seth, for all your hard work." Ashton said as he walked away.

"Your welcome master, what is she planning, this is very interesting." He said as he walked away so he can prepare dinner for Ashton.

End of Seth POV

End of chapter 4! I hope you guys enjoy it! You can vote, comment, or something if you want to but please comment if I made a spelling error or what can be better because I want this story good.
Have good night, morning, or afternoon humans or ghosts!

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