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*Deniya's P.O.V*
I woke everyone except Aubrey and Matt.
"Why do we have to wake up at 5:45 in the morning"Shawn asked sleepy
"Because we want Aubrey's birthday to be amazing"Jisselle said. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I didn't bother putting makeup on because it was too early.
"Are you guys ready"Cameron said
"Ya"I said throwing my hair up in a high ponytail
"Then let's go"Johnson said. We bundle into the car and drove to the place we rented for the party. I sat there by the window just thinking about life.
"Deniya"Nash said waving his hand in front of me
"Ya. What"I said startled
"We're here"Nash said opening the door
"Oh. Cool"I said and got out and got stuff out of the back.

*Nash's P.O.V*
"Deniya" I said waving NY hand in front if her
"Ya. What" she said startled
"We're here"I said opening the door
"Oh. Cool"Deniya said getting out and grabbing decorations. I walked in and Deniya was already starting to clean. I started to play music and walked over to Deniya and took the broom away from her
"Hey. Give it back" Deniya said trying to grab the broom
"Or what"I said teasing her
"I'll walk over there and get that one"Deniya said turning around. I grabbed her by the wrist and let go right away. Deniya looked at me and her eyes weren't brown anymore they were grey.
"Deniya are you okay"I asked
"I'm fine"Deniya said walking out if the room. I walked out to try and find her. She was sitting in the back of the car drinking a water bottle. Before Deniya saw me Jisselle pulled me back.
"Don't worry she's just tired"Jisselle said
"Who said I was worried"I said offended
"Nobody. I know you care. I know you want to go out with her"Jisselle said smiling.

*Jisselle's P.O.V*
"Nobody. I know you care. I know you want to go out with her"I said smiling. Nash just stood there trying not to blush.
"Don't you have a boyfriend"Nash asked
"Ya. Well bye"I said walking away. I walked in and started to grab streamers.
"Hey Beautiful"Shawn said wrapping his arms around my waist and laying his head on my shoulder
"I'm tired too"I said turning around and pecking his lips
"I want to sleep."Shawn complained
"Hey complaining is Deniyas thing"I said. Deniya walked in, didn't say a word to anyone and started to sweep again. Once she was that she started to hang up streamers with me.
"Deniya are you okay"I asked looking at her. She didn't say anything so I just left it alone.

*Johnson's P.O.V*
I was watching Deniya every move she made. I noticed that something was wrong. I walked over to Nash were he was opening tables.
"Nash what's wrong with Deniya"I asked helping him with the tables.
"I don't know. She's not talking to anyone" Nash said
"Did anything happen"I asked
"I don't know. She had like a freak attack earlier when I asked her"Nash said
"I'm going to see what's wrong"I said walking towards Deniya. When I got over there Deniya looked at me and her eyes weren't brown they were gray like she was depressed or something.
"Deniya can I talk to you"I asked
"Sure"Deniya said getting down off the ladder. I helped her down and we went outside. I handed her a water and sat down next to her.
"What is it. I really want to get done with this."Deniya said.
"I have one question"I said
"Okay"Deniya said looking at her fingers.
"What's wrong"I asked looking in her eyes.
"Nothing. I'm fine"Deniya said getting up and walking back inside the party room.

*Aubrey's P.O.V*
I woke up to Matt jumping on the bed.
"Happy Birthday"Matt said jumping up and down
"Thank you"I said checking my phone. I had 592 new notifications from fans telling me happy birthday. I spent 2 hours in bed just reading them.
"Let's watch a movie"Matt said pulling out his laptop.
"Okay"I said putting down my phone
"What do you wanna watch"Matt said
"Let's watch Rio" I said
"Okay"Matt said pressing it and getting up.
"Where are you going"I whined
"To get your birthday present"Matt said walking back. He gave me a box with. I opened it and it was a necklace.
"Matt"I said
"Your welcome"he said.
"Thank you"I said with tears in my eyes.
"Aww don't cry" Matt said hugging me. We cuddled and we both fell asleep again.

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