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*Camerons's P.O.V*

I hear a knock on the door and went to go answer it I see Deniya

"Hey wasssup" she says

"Nothing" I say

"what the hell Cameron what's wrong"she said

"Nothing just Jisselle isn't acting like her" I said

"Do you want me to talk to her" Deniya said

"You can if you want" I said

"Okay what about this if she is acting weird I will talk to her if she isn't then I won't" Deniya said.

*Jisselle's P.O.V*

Jisselle Deniya is here, I hear Cameron yell from downstairs

I walk downstairs to see Deniya in the fridge like always.

"Ello mate" I say

"Hey gurll" she yells

"Are you already hungry" I laugh

"Fuck Yea bitch I haven't eat all day"she says back

"Whatever I am ordering Pizza do you want any"I question

"Ummm Fuck Yea"Deniya ssys while I just laugh my ass

*Deniya's P.O.V*

Shit I forgot my phone in my car "Jisselle I will be right back I have to get my phone out of my car BRB" without getting a respond I walk to get my keys. As I open the door I almost shat my pants because some of Cameron's are outside at the door.

"What the hell" I say annoyonce

"Sorry" they all say at once

"Whatever" I said pushing my way threw the boys.

I get my phone out of my car and I start to walk back to the door when I trip and almost fall but I get catched by a boy with blonde hair and is about 5'11

"Are you okay"he ask

"Yea I'm fine" I said

"I'm Matthew but people call me Matt"

"Okay I'm Deniya but I go by Deniya" I said

"Deniya get your ass over we are going swimming" I hear Jisselle yell

"I got to go thanks again for catching me." I said

"Your welcome and anytime" and with that I ran off.

*Jisselle's P.O.V*

I asked the guys were Deniya went and they said out to her car to get her phone. I walk outside to see her and Matt talking I yell to her saying to get her ass over here she said something else and came jogging towards me.

"What was that all about" I ask

"Oh nothing" she tells me

"Ohhhh someone has a crush" I said

"Shut the fuck up" she said blushing

"Laugh my fucking ass off let's go get changed"

"Okay whateva" she said and we went to get changed.

*Matt's P.O.V*

"Your welcome and anytime"and with that she ran off to Jisselle.I walk inside and everyone was staring at me.

"What did I miss something" I said

"We saw you out there with Deniya" Nash said

"And" I say

"You have a crush" Johnson said

"No I don't" getting a little defensive

"Whatever you say man whatever you say" Gilinsky says

*Jisselle P.O.V*

"Deniya can I tell you somethin" I said

"Yea you can tell me anything" she said getting worried

"Well when I was coming home from school Sander and his friends kind of beat me up.....they kind of beat me up bad and when I mean bad I mean BAD." She stands there with wide eyes.

"Are you kidding me"she says


Hey guys waaazzz up here is another chapter hope you guys like and don't forget to give me feed back on how I do

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