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*Deniya's P.O.V*
I woke up at 2:55 in the afternoon. I got up really fast and just threw some clothes on. I ran in the kitchen and Scott was in there running around too.
"Get in the car now"Scott said. I ran outside and got in the front.
"Why are you so happy to be going"Scott said halfway to the office.
"She's the only person that actually talks to me without yelling"I said trying to keep my cool. The rest if the way was quite. We got to the office at 3:25. Scott signed me in and he sat on one side of the room and I sat in the other.
"Deniya"Pattie said. I got up and followed her right into her office.
"Good Afternoon"Pattie said to me
"Hi"I said.
"Okay. Well you see I have a daughter."Pattie said
"Okay. Go on"I said.
"She is a big fan of you and Nash."She said
"Really."I said in confused
"Yep. She calls you guys Dash. Matt and Aubrey Mattburey and Shawn and Jisselle Jihawn"Pattie said.
"I can get her V.I.P tickets to the next MAGCON"I said smiling
"She's already been"Pattie said
"Okay. Cool"I said leaning back in my chair.
"So I watched your videos there amazing and so is your voice"Pattie said smiling
"Thank you"I said smiling
"But my daughter told me what the rumors were. About you being sucidal and the hate the fans were giving you and your friends."Pattie said. I looked up and my smile turned into a frown.

*Aubrey's P.O.V*
I woke up to the smell of bacon. I hurried downstairs and saw my brother and sister on the couch.
"Bobby, Amy"I yelled jumping on them
"Hey. Monkey"Bobby said picking me up and running around
"Bobby don't drop her"my mom used coming down the stairs
"Aubrey"Amy said running towards me
"Amyyyy"I said carring the y. I jumped on her and we fell to the ground.
"I swear you are going to hurt yourself and then we won't be able to go anywhere"my mom said helping me up. I walked in the kitchen and got some bacon.
"When are we going to the carnival"I asked putting eggs on a plate
"Around 5. So be ready by 4:45 so we can be first in line" Amy said
"Okay"I said stuffing my face with eggs.

*Jisselle's P.O.V*
I woke up to a killer headache. I walked downstairs and Sierra was in the kitchen make breakfast.
"Mornin" She said handing me a cereal bar.
"Thanks"I said sitting down at the table and getting on twitter. I was scrolling through twitter when I saw Justin had tweeted something.
'Cheer up @JisselleDallas everybody has bad days'. I wondered what it was about until I saw what Nash had put.
'Cheer up bae. Things will get better'. I smiled at Nash's tweet. I closed my phone and got up to throw away my trash.
"So what time do I need to be ready"I said sitting on the island.
"Ummmmm. 5"Sierra said putting the pan in the sink.
"Okay"I said walking upstairs. I checked my phone and saw it was 11:45. I decided to face time Shawn. After the 3rd ring he picked up.

"Heyyyy"Shawn said
"Hey"I said smiling
"What's up"Shawn said smiling even bigger
"Nothing much. Just needed to see your face"I said
"I love you Jisselle"Shawn said
"And I wish I could hug you right now."I said trying not to cry
"Don't cry. In 2 weeks you can see me again"Shawn said
"Okay"I said wiping a falling tear.
"Well. I have to go. I'm writing this song that I need to perform when we get back to MAGCON"Shawn said not wanting to go.
"Okay. I'll take to you later"I said closing my laptop

I sat there for a second then I went and got dressed. I walked downstairs and my mom was on the couch.
"Hey. Mommy"I said laying down on her. She put down her magazine and started to run her hands through my hair.
"What's wrong honey"She said
"I have a lot of things on my mind right now"I said.
"Like what"My mom said still running her hands through my hair.
"My Dad. Deniya. MAGCON"I said.
"Your dad?"my mom said in  a confused voice.
"How did he really leave. I know he's not super  agent that helps princesses"I said lifting my head. My mom didn't say anything was just looking straight ahead.
"Mom. You don't have to answer that"I said scotting closer to her.
"Are you sure you want yo know" my mom said.  I just shook my head yes
"He didn't want any kids. So when I told him I was pregnant with you he wanted me to get an abortion. I said no and he went into some kind of person that wasn't him. He got into alcohol and drugs. He started beating me. And then one day he just never showed back home"My mom said still looking straight ahead. I didn't say anything. I got up to got to my room but when I stood up I fell to the ground and started crying. Before I knew it everyone was around me hugging me. Once I was done crying I went to my room to take a napV*

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