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*Nash's P.O.V*
"I love you Nash"I heard someone say and Deniya started to freakout and scream and yell.
"Deniya calm down"I said holding her down. She calmed down and opened her eyes.
"Deniya your awake"I said hugging her. She didn't say anything she was just shaking really bad and crying
"Shhh. calm down"I said rocking her back and forth.
"Please don't leave me" Deniya said pulling away from our hug.
"I will never leave you. I love you too much"I said hugging her again. After about 3 minutes of hugging I got the doctor.
"Well. Deniya it looks like you are doing okay. We are going to have to keep you here a few more days."the doctor said.
"Okay"Deniya said laying down.
"Oh. And in a few hours a detective would like to talk to you"the doctor said walking out. I looked at Deniya and she was halfway asleep.

*Deniya's P.O.V*
The doctor walked out and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes and felt the bed dip down. I opened my eyes to see Nash laying on the side of me.
"Nash what are you doing"I said lifting my head
"Laying with you"Nash said covering me up with the blankets. I layed my head on his chest and fell asleep.

*Cameron's P.O.V*
When we got back we got Deniya all kinds of stuffed animals like Unicorn, Nemo, flowers and ballons. When we got into the room. Nash was sleeping with Deniya in the bed. I took a picture and posted on Twitter and Instagram.
"Nash wake up bro"I said nudging him
"What"he said opening his eyes
"Help us set this stuff up"I said pointing at all the stuff we got her
"Where did you guys manage to find a human sized teddy bear"Nash said getting up
"Walmart. And it's from you" Jisselle said walking in with more stuff
"Wow. You guys went over the top" Nash said moving things around.

*Jisselle's P.O.V*
We went to the store and bought Deniya all of these stuffed animals and flowers and balloons. We had set them up and after about an hour or two Deniya finally woke up.
"Deniya" me and Aubrey said hugging her
"Hey"Deniya said hugging back
"Hey sleepyhead"Cameron said hugging her
"Where did all this come from"Deniya said with a smile
"We got it for you because you need to get better"Aubrey said
"Thank you guys so much"Deniya said hugging us again. After about 2 hours of talking the doctor came in with two cops behind him.
"Scott"Deniya said in disbelief
"I think you guys should give them a minute"the other cop said. We walked in the hall and waited for 35 minutes.

*Deniya's P.O.V*
We were all laughing and talking until the doctor came in with 2 cops. I looked up saw the last person I wanted to see.
"Scott." I said in disbelief
"I think you guys should give them a minute"the doctor said pushing everyone out even the other cop.
"What are you doing here"I asked pissed off
"Well. I was here to investigate but instead I see my niece in this hospital bed who's been in a coma for lord knows how long"Scott said pacing around the room
"What's your problem"I yell at him
"My problem is that all these rumors are the internet and nobody is giving me answers" he yells back
"Well why don't you fucking ask"I yell again
"That's it. When they let you out of here your going back home with me"Scott said walking out. I just sat there for a few minutes until the other cop came in.
"So Deniya what happened why are you in here"he said. I told him everything and then he walked out. I sat there for another few minutes until the doctor came in.
"You can leave tomorrow are you hungry"he said
"Ummm.. No I'm fine"I said and he walked out. I layed back and just thought about what would happen. Everyone walked in and just looked at me.
"I get to leave tomorrow"I said breaking the silence
"Oh thank the lord"Aubrey said hugging me. I just smiled and looked at Nash. He didn't look that happy. Aubrey and Cameron left a few minutes ago so know it was just me Jisselle and Nash.
"Can you tell me where your going"Nash asked

*Nash's P.O.V*
"Can you tell me where your going" I asked Deniya. She looked at me then started to mess with her fingers.
"Deniya where are you going"Jisselle asked looking concerned.
"I have no choice. He's making me go back home" Deniya said her voice cracking. I looked at Jisselle and she had tears in her eyes. Deniya looked up at me then looked back down.
"Do you know how long your going to be gone" I asked. She just shook her head no. That's when Jisselle just broke down.
"You can't leave. Not again you just got back. What will I do without you. Who can I Fangirl with"Jisselle said crying. Deniya just pulled her into a hug. I stood there trying to keep myself together but I couldn't so I walked outside to get some air

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