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*Aubrey's P.O.V *
Matt woke me up around 3 in the afternoon.
"What do you want"I asked rolling over
"We have to be at the beach house at 5"Matt said laughing as I fell off the bed.
"Ughhh. Why"I said getting up
"Because everybody hasn't talked to each other ever since MAGCON ended"Matt said.
"OH. MY GOSH. FINE"I said walking out. When I got downstairs I knew I had noway to get home. I turned around to go get Matt but he was right behind me.
"I knew you where going to beed a ride"Matt said laughing. I rolled my eyes and just got into his car.

At The Beach House

*Jisselle's P.O.V *
Me, Taylor and Cameron where the first people to get there. Cameron went shopping for food.
"What should we do"I asked bored
"I don't know"Taylor said looking at his phone
"Is Shawn coming? I haven't seen him in like a month"I said
"First why do you ask so many questions and I don't know. I texted him"Taylor said shrugging. I just rolled. I sat there on my phone when yhere was knocking on the door. I got up since Taylor was probably looking at something and didn't even budge to open the door. I opened the door and it was Aubrey and Nash pulled up right when I opened the door.
"Heyy"I said hugging Aubrey.
"Whats up"She said smiling.
"Nothing much. Where's Matt"I asked
"We took different cars " Aubrey said.
"Oh...Heyy Nash"I said as he walked up behind Nash
"Whats up"He said hugging me back.
"Nothing. Where's Deniya"I asked.
"I dropped her off at her house because she had to pack a bag"Nash said.
"Got it"I said letting them in. Taylor gave Aubrey a hug followed by a bro hug to Nash.
"Today or should I say Lunch. Was crazy today"Nash said.
"Agreeed"Taylor said

*Aubrey's P.O.V *

Nash, Taylor, and Jisselle where talking about a lunch and I didn't know what they where talking about.
"What lunch"I asked confused.
"We don't even know. The only person that knows is Deniya"Jisselle said shrugging her shoulders
"How will we find out then" I asked dumbfounded
"TMZ. Tonight"Jisselle said worried. I rolled my eyes in hiw worried she was about Deniya I mean if anything happened to her she probably deserved it. There was a knock at the door and Jisselle went to go get it.
"So Nash how are you and Deniya"I asked
"Good. You and Matt"He asked not looking up at his phone.
"Great. Better than you and Deniya"I said smirking. Nash looked up from his phone and glared at me.
"Ya. I doubt that"He said getting up and walking off.


*Nash's P.O.V *
It was now 5:30pm and everybody was here
(not including Shawn)
but Deniya. I started to get worried.
"Nash stop worrying."Csm said patting my back
"Its not suprising"Aubrey said smirking at me again. I just decided to ignore her.

*Deniya's P.O.V *
I walked up to the door of the beach house. I was hesitant to knock but I did. I took a few minutes to answer the door. But a few minutes later but Hayes opens the door.
"Hola. Deniya" He says smiling.
"Hey. Hayes"I said smiling. Heet me in and it was quite.
"Where's everyone at"I asked.
"Watching TMZ"Hayes said running to the kitchen. I walked into the living room and TMZ was talking about some gossip on Caitlyn Jenner. I earned a few hello's and hi's. Nash walked up to me and hugged me. I smiled and sat down. I was on my phone because I could care less about Celebrity gossip. Everybody soon started to talk because I guess they thought it was boring.
"Hush. Be quite " Jisselle and Aubrey yelled. Everybody got quite vert quick.

*Jisselle's P.O.V *
It was now 6:00 and they were about to talk about Deniya.
"So. Earier today at mostly everybodys favorite make your on burrito place. A.K.A Chipotle"The girl said. Omg. Just cut to the chase I thiught to myself.
"A few of our favorite web star celebrities got ambushed my papperazii and fans. Which webstars may you ask. Well this all included Taylor Caniff, Jisselle Dallas, Nash Grier and Deniya Parker."The girl said. All heads were looking at us. Deniya had a scared look on her face.
"Well. When Taylor and Jisselle were eating lunch together people called people. We ended up there and it was a big commotion. I mean Taylor and Jisselle probably would have died if superman Nash amd superwoman Deniya wouldn't have came right. Right?"She said acting stupid.
"Well. After they got out. Deniya came back in to grab a phone. Did she steal it? Was it hers? I don't know" She said shrugging her shoulders. I looked around and Deniya looked scared and Aubrey had this big smirk on her face.
"Well. Deniya had a bitch fit. Let me repeat that for you BITCH FIT" They said in slow motion the second time.
"Like she went pysco on this girl. Started to punch her and everything. She probably would have killed her if ya know superman Nash wouldn'thave saved the day. He dragged Deniya off the girl. Right when Deniya was going to go at it again. Nash whispered something in her ear to get her to turn around. Was it about Sex? Hahaha. We don't know. That it's for the daily TMZ. We'll see you guys tomorrow"She said. And with that it went to commercial. I looked at Deniya and she was pissed off. Her face was red and her teeth were clinched. I looked at Aubrey and she had this huge ass smirk on her face. Iut of nowhereshe started to clap.

*Aubrey's P.O.V *
After it was over I knew I could finally get Deniya back. I just started to laugh and clap.
"Its about time. Deniya. Doesn't get her ass kicked"I laughed. I could see the anger in her face.
"Fuck you"She said standing up.
"Deniya lets just face it. Your all talk younever knew how to fight"I said to her face.
"What does it matter. Where friends."She said shrugging.
"No. Wrong. I'm not your friend. You still have feelings for Matt don't you"I snapped in her face.
"What. No. Whats your problem"Deniya asked.
"Your my problem"I said throwing a punch at her. I hit her right below her left eye. She fell to the ground.

*Deniya's P.O.V *
Aubrey punched me right where I got punched at today and it hurt 2x worst then the first time. I fell to the ground and just layed there. I got back up and punched her back right in the noes. Wothout hesitation she punched me again and we were going at it. A few minutes went by of punching each other and somebody had to pull us apart. I was so egared to just jump out of whoever was holding me and punch her again.
"Stop. Stop. What are you doing youguys are friends."Jisselle screamed. I looked at who was holding Aubrey back and it was Matt and Taylor while Nash and Cameron where holding me.

*Jisselle's P.O.V *
Taylor and Matt had to hold back aubrey while Nash and Cam had to Deniya.
"Aubrey. What in the hell did Deniya do to you"I screamed at her.
"Liked my boyfriend"I snapped back.
"I haven't like Matt as a boyfriend in a ling time you blind ass bitch" Deniya yelled back.
"You know what if you guys don't work this out my Sunday. I will and you won't like it"I snapped.
"Okay. MOM " AUBREY said sarcastically.
"Let Deniya go then a few secinds later let Aubrey go" I said walking off.

Play Song Now.

*Deniya's P.O.V *
They let go of me and I rushed to the kitchen to get my keys. As I was walking back to the front door Aubrey was smirking.
"Okay. Bye now baby run away from all your problems. Why don't you go home and kill yourself you worthless slut"Aubrey said smirking. It broke my heart to have one of my friends to say that to me. I shook my head at her and walked out. I drove all the way home in tears. Nobody was home because Emma and Rayes went to San Francisco so her mom could help her because Scott was at work all the time. I walked inside and started to blast my music. I wrote a note to whoever would find me and went to the bathroom....

*Nash's P.O.V *
I let go of Deniya and then walked upstairs to think. I walked back and she wasn't there.
"Hsve you guys seen Deniya'I asked
"Ya. She went home"Aubrey said smirking evily.
"What did you say to her"I asked clenching my fist.
"I told her she could leave now snd run away from all her problems snd Why don't she just go home and kill herself oh. I also called her a worthless slut"Aubrey said laughing.
"You bitch"I said charging her. But Cameron stopped me.
"Its not worth it dude pluse shes a girl " Cameron said letting me go.
"Matt get your girlfriend"I said grabbing my keys and speeding to Deniya's house.

*Deniya's P.O.V *
I walked into my bathroom and looked through my cabinets for some random pills. I found some that said Zopiclone, Prozac and Valium. I took 4 of the Zopiclone 2 of the Valium and 3 of the Prozac. I grabbed my blade and just started to cut up and down my arm. After about 6 cuts my arm started to get numb and I felt dizzy. I layed down on the bathroom floor and went to sleep.

*Nash's P.O.V *
I came up to her house and the door wasn't even shut all the way. I walked in and I heard her music blastimg. I walked upstairs and into her room. I stopped the music and she wasn't in there. I gound a little letter that said:

Whoever is reading this right now I'm sorry that I had to do this. I wanted to make things write between me and Aubrey and this is the only way because I won't get in her way anymore. I guess. But like she said I'm a worthless slut. So this is goodbye.

Love, Deniya

I walked into her bathroom and there was blood everywhere and three medicine containers. I checked her pulse and she was breathing really slowly. Dying Really Slowly. I called the ambulance and tried to wake her up. The medics arrived and carried her out on the streacher. I followed behind them. When we got there I tried to go back but they wouldn't let. I sat and sat and sat until the doctor came out.

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