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*Jisselle's P.O.V*

I wake up to the smell of bacon,I scramble to look for my phone I check to time and it is 10:45am I look over at Deniya and see that she is still asleep I didn't wake her because she can be a bitch if she doesn't sleep I walk downstairs to see a shirtless Taylor making food I would have to admit I've always had a crush on him since 5th grade but he never seemed to like me back. I was snapped out if my thoughts by Taylor placing a plate infront of me and Deniya comming down the stairs.

"Good morning Denae nae"I said

"Good morning what's that smell" Deniya said

"Bacon want some"Taylor said

"Ummm no I'm good what time do we leave for the airport Jisselle" she asked

"12:30 and our flight goes takes off at 1:30"I told her

"Why can't we leave tomorrow"she complained

"Because Deniya it takes time to get roomed with each other and get room keys and we need about 4 hours to do that"I told her

"Whatever I'm going to take a shower"she said and went upstairs.

Once I was done eating I went upstairs and did my makeup I put on a long sleeve floral sweater with blue jean shorts key necklace a bow n' arrow ring and my TFIOS phone case and I wore my hair natural. Deniya got out of the shower did her makeup and wore a " Normal People Scare me" from American Horror Story show with whit jeans and black flats she wore two rings one with a black heart and one that was gold with ingravement on the inside that says heart of gold and a kitty cat phone case.

"Deniya's P.O.V"

"Deniya hurry your ass up" I hear Jisselle yell I hurry up and run downstairs

"It's about time" I hear Cameron say I just roll my eyes.

"Legggoo" I hear Matt yell we walk to the car but knowing me I left my phone the house. I ran to get and when I came back I had to sit next to Matt I looked at Jisselle and saw her smirking.

"A bitch gonna die" I told her the car ride was pretty calm Cameron drove and some of the boys slept while me Matt and Jisselle sung to the radio. Then I fell asleep but I didn't know who since I was in between Gilinksy and Matt


So here is another update I will update tommorow but wish me luck I have school tommorow so yaa
Bye -

Just remember you can get through anything

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