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*Aubrey's P.O.V*

"Where is she"Cameron said as we looked for Jisselle

"How come she is always getting lost I mean that sounds more like Deniya Jisselle is more likely to get trapped or crowded around"Matt said

"Lol"Johnson said

"Wait wait wait wait"Shawn said

"What"Cameron said

"Jisselle just texted me to meet her at the dolphin show"Shawn said

"How in the world did Jisselle end up on the other side of SeaWorld"Cameron said

"I don't know let's just go"I said

*James P.O.V*

"Why are we at the dolphin Show"Jisselle said confused

"I want to show you something"I said

"Okay"Jisselle said sitting down

"Put this on"I said handing her a wetsuit

"Why"she said still confused

"Just put it on"I said getting annoyed

"Fine okay chill"she said laughing

"Okay now stay here intill I calm your name k"I said

"Okay"Jisselle said

*Cameron's P.O.V*

We had just got to the dolphin show and Deniya is nowhere to be found.

"Shawn you said that she was here"I said snapping at him

"That's what she said here look at the text"Shawn said

"She better be here Aubrey or you won't live another day"I said to her as the show began.

Hello everyone are you guys ready to have some fun. Well if so let's get started.

There was a loud roar from the crowd and I looked up to see Jisselle's old babysitter James.I didn't know he worked here and he started again

*James P.O.V*

"Hello everyone are you guys ready to have some fun. Well if so let's get started.
Well guys today before we start I want to introduce a very special guest. I haven't seen this girl since she was like 8. So do you guys want to meet her.

There was a loud roar and I started again

Okay guys on three my special guess will walk out of that door and into the water. This hasn't been practiced so let's see how this goes on three guys 1.....2.....3

*Jisselle's P.O.V*

I guess I was suppose to walk out on three so I did and when I did I was falling and went into a big,wide pool. When I get to the surface I am picked up by the dolphin I was talking to. I swam around the pool with her and she took me back to James.

"Do you have any words"James says

"Ummm yea Cameron you should try this I see you up there in the stands"I said waving at him and the next thing you know he was on the jumbotron.

"James can you get her to splash Cam"I said

"Yea" and james blows a few whistles and the dolphin goes and splashes Cameron. Then he was soaked all over.

"Okay guys Jisselle has to go but I will finish the show"James said

"Thank you James"I said hugging him and walking off with another women. When I was done I walked over to Cameron and sit down.

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