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*Nash's P.O.V *
I got the text from Johnson thst there was going to be a welcome home party for Deniya. And I really don't know if I should go and and bring Jay with me or just not go. Would she hate me if I was dating a new girl. I mean she told me not to wait. Or is that just something girls say. Why are girls so complicated.

*Scott's P.O.V *
We've been at the hospital for 4 hours and we've heard nothing. Deniya fell asleep on my shoulder  about 30 minutes ago and I wanted to go to sleep but I need to know if my wife and baby were okay.
"Emma Walker" a doctor said
"Umm. Yes."I said standing up trying not to wake Deniya.
"Your her husband?" He asked
"Yes. How is she?" I asked.
"Oh. She is doing great. She had a C-section and you now have a baby girl" he said patting my back
"Thank goodness. When do I get to see them" I asked.
"You can see y o ur wife at room 365 on the 4th floor."Je said flipping through some papers.
"What about my little girl" I asked worried.
"Ummm. Shes in critical condition. And is in surgery right now"He said
"Why did she need surgery" I asked my eyes tearing up
"Well. She had a medical condition and we needed to cut some of her heart out." He said. I didn't say anything I just sat back down
"We'll yell you more when shes out of surgery." The doctor said before walking away. I sat back down and saw that Deniya was awake
"Did you hear that"I asked. She shook her head and layed it back downon my shoulder
"I can't lose another person because of death"she said with no emotion. I just hugged her.
"Hey. Look at me"I said. She looked at me with no emotion
"Go home. Take 200 dollars oit.of the jar and go have fun"I said. Her eyes lit up.
"Really"She said. I shook my head.
"Thank you"she said hugging me and running out of the hospital. I waited and waited. I just hope my little girl is okay.

*Jisselle's P.O.V *
Everybody was showing up and when everybody was there we waited for them to drive up. We waited for about 30 minutes until a red ford focus drove into the driveway.
"Turn off the lights. HIDE"Cameron said runing behind a couch. We all hid and waited for them to walk in. We heard footsteps and somebody turned on the lights.
"SURPRISE" Everybody yelled. I looked over at the person standing in the doorway and it was the girl from Waterburger. It was Deniya.
"Deniya"I said in disbelief
"Um. Hi"She said standing there looking startled. Everybody just stood there.
"You were the girl yesterday weren't you" I said walking up to her.
"Ummm. I. UH. Yea" She said looking at the ground and messing with her fingers
"Good." I said hugging her. She hugged me back
"What are we waiting for turn the music up" Carter yelled. Withina few seconds music was blastimg through the speakers.
"Go get your bathing suit on"I.told her. Deniya smiled and ran upstairs.

*Deniya's P.O.V *
There was about 150 people in my house. I was startled at first but then they just turned on the music like I was a normal person. What was I sacred of. I got my bathing suit on and kept the curls that were in my hair from yesterday. I walked downstairs with shorts to over my bathing suit. As I tried to find Jisselle people kept stopping me and asking how I've been. I didn't really care. But I almost died when Justin Bieber asked me. I talked to him fora while until Jisselle came up to me.
"Hey. Girly. Biebz" she said hugging me
"Heyy. Why did I need my bathing suit"I asked.
"Because this."Jisselle said. Then all I know was I was swept off my feet and thrown into the pool. I came up and Justin jumped in. Then everybodywas in. We all laughed, talked, and played different games. I got out of the water and went inside to get a water bottle when I noticed that I couldn't find Johnson anywhere. I grabbed a water bottle and went upstairs to check my phone. When I walked in the door to the bakoney was open. I walked out there and nobody was there. I climbed the roof to see if anybody was up there and Johnson was.

*Johnson's P.O.V *
As Deniya was playing around in the pool with Jisselle, Justin, Cameron, and Gilinsky. I went on to the roof to think what I.would.say to Deniya when I see her.
"Whats you doing" I heard someone say from behind me
"Nothing. Thinking " I said
"You know this is the one place I ever thought about things too" The voice aaid again. It then clicked that Deniya was the only person that ever came up here. I looked behind me and she was standing right behind me.
"I missed you alot"She said sitting next to me.
"I missed you too"I said hugging her. We stayed up here until Jisselle called Deniya because we had a cake. We went downstairs and they sung random songs and shit like that. I walked into the kitchen and Nash and Jay were sucking each other faces off.
"Hey. Johnson have you....." She stopped mid sentence when she saw Nash. Nash looked up then at Jay. Deniya walked away and Nash had a guilty look on his face. I shook my head and went to go find Deniya.

*Nash's P.O.V *
I was kissing Jay when Deniya walked in. She looked hurt. I looked at Johnson and he looked disgusted. I looked at Jay and I jumped in my car to go find Deniya. Before I could drive off Johnson got in.
"Where do you think she could be" He asked.
"The park. Beach. She could be anywhere"I said pulling out. We drove everywhere the park, beach, her favorite frozen yogurt place, rooftops, everywhere but we couldn't find her. We went back to the house and when we walked in I wanted to leave and never come back to this fucked up world.

*Johnson's P.O.V*
We walked in and I knew Nash would have a bitch fit.
"What the hell"Nash said walking up to.some.guy at yhe party.

*Nash's P.O.V *
I walked in and Jay was kissing some random guy.
"What the hell"I said pulling him off of Jay.
"Leave now"I snapped at the guy. He left in less then 5 seconds
"Nash. Babe he just tried to tape me" Jay said crying.
"No. He didn't you pullrdhim over there and sucked his face off."Jisselle said in disgust. I looked at Jay and she was glaring at Jisselle
"We're threw."I said.
"But....Na"Jay started
"Get out and never come back"I yelled at her. She grabbed her stuff and left with a smile on her face. I looked at everyone and they had a shocked look on their face.
"What"I asked confused
"Nothing. We have to find Deniya"Johnskn said. 

*Jisselle's P.O.V *
Johnson said that Deniya was missing and they couldn't find her.
"Wait what happened"I asked scared
"Ask Nash " Johnson said
'What the hell did you do"I snapped at him
"Well. Ummm. At the party me and Jay were kissing and ummm. Deniya saw us and ran off" Nash said scared
"I told you not to bring Jay in the first place you little dipshit"I yelled in his face.
"I'm sorry"Nash said his voice cracking. Before I knew it I was in my car and down the road. I looked in my rear veiw mirror and saw Cameron behind me. I drove down every street in every place looking for Deniya. At around 10pm I stopped at a park and got out. In 2 differnet cars everybody got out to. Including Nash.
"You. This is all your fault" I yelles charging at him. I punched him and then jumped on him to punch him more.
"You stupid sun of a bitch" I said punching him again. I punched him a couple more times before somebody pulled me off of him. I kicked and screamed until. I knew it was Cameron. Knowing my brother I stopped and he put me down. When he put me down I took another charge at Nash but before I could get to him Cameron grabbed me again.
"I know you way to well. Jisselle" He said.
"Fine. Just put me down." I screamed
"You have to promise you won't attack Nash" Cameron said
"Okay. I promise"I said
"No. Fingers crossed"He said annoyed. 
"Oh my gosh. Fine. Just put me down"I screamed. He put me down and I just wanted to kill Nash at this point.
"When we find Deniya. Don't come close to her. Because when she gets close to somebody she loved and she knew they loved her back. She runs off and we don't need that"I said. When I was done I went to my car and started to call her.

Everybody had left and Matt stayed with me. I was in the room when I didn't feel so good.
"Matt"I whispered aince he was right next to me
"Hmmm"He said sounding tired
"My stomach......ahhhh"I screamed
"Aubrey are you okay."Matt said jumping to my side. I pointed at my stomach and screamed again. Matt picked me up and carried me to the car.

*Matt's P.O.V *
I didn't know what to do so I just carried her to the car. I drove to the hospital and she was crying and I could tellshe was in pain. When we got to the hospital they carried her into a room on a stretcher. I waited and waited and waited and heard nothing on how the baby was or Aubrey. I was scared for my life by this point.

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