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*Deniya's P.O.V*
Nothing Like Us by Justin Bieber was playing. I took off my bandana and I was pissed but happy at the same time.
"What are you doing here"I asked pissed.
"She didn't mean anything to me. I love you and only you. When you were at the hospital I noticed you hadn't taken off the necklace I gave you. Please Deniya Please forgive me"Nash said with flowers and Arizona in his hands. Should I should I forgive him? I replayed this question in my head.
"I don't want to wake up with amnesia because if I don't say we're back together I would want to remember every bit. Even this."I said.
"Does that mean yes"Nash said with hope. His eyes weren't that bright blue they were grey. I smiled a little bit and tan into his arms. He picked me up and twirled me around. He kissed him. When he put me down I just smiled. I looked at Johnson and he looked happy for me. For the rest of the night we filmed vines and youtube videos.
"Jack. Camerons at the door for you"Jacks mom yelled from downstairs

*Jack's P.O.V*
"Jack. Camerons at the door for you"My mom yelled from downstairs. I walked downstairs and Cameron was sitting in the couch.
"Hey man. Whats up" I said giving him a bro hug.
"Is Deniya here " Cameron asked.
"Uhhh. Ya. Why?" I asked.
"Jisselle needs to remeber Deniya but I need her" Camerkn said. I looked upstairs and Deniya and Nash were standing right there.
"I don't know the plan. But I'll do it"Deniya said.
"Okay then. Lets go " Cameron said walkinh out to his car.
"To the hospital"Nash yelled running out the door. I grabbed my phone and pulled Deniya to the side.
"Are you sure you want to do this"I asked.
"I'll do anything for her to remember me again " Deniya said walking out the door.
"Mom. We're going to see Jisselle"I yelled before walking out and shutting the door. I walked to the car and Deniya was in the back and Nash in the front. Wow thats a great start for somebodywho ruined something like he did I thought to myself. The drive to the hospital consist of music and talking.
"What if she still doesn't remeber me" Deniya said with tears in her eyes.
"You'll be fine. I promise."I said kissing her forehead. She smiled a little bit before getting out of the car. We walked up to her room and walked in.
"And that must be Deniya"Jisselle said with annoyance in her voice. Deniya had a frown on her face.
"Okay. Deniya go ahead"Cameron said. She went up to Jisselle and sat on the bed. Looked in her eyes and started to sing a somg that they sung to each other if they were down. Deniya started to sing Life Of The Party. Deniya was a few minutes in and Jisselle wasn't singing yet.
"I thought this was suppose.to bring back memories" I asked Cameron.
"It is Just wait"Cameron said. The. It happened Jisselle started singing. They sung the restof the song and at the end Deniya was in tears and Jisselle hugged her.

*Jisselle's P.O.V*
This so called girl named Deinya came in and started to sing one of Shawns songs. As I sat there confusion. Things started to hit me like a ton of bricks. All these memories from when we were 6 and started playing the guitar and piano to when her mom died. I started to sing with her and when the song ended. DENIYA was crying and I just hugged her.
"I remeber Deniya. I remember you" I said. Deniya didn't say anything she just cryed harder. I hugged her until she stopped. Johnson and Nash went outside to talk a few minutes ago while me Deniya and Cam stayed and talked.
"Hey. I have to go okay? But I'll come see you as soon as possible" Deniya said getting up
"Do you need a ride?"Cam asked.
"No. I'll get a taxi or something" Deniya said.
"Okay. Bye."I said.
"Bye"She said beofre walking out. Its so differnet from me not knowing who she was to who shewas and what shes been through. I soon fell fast asleep and slept for a few hours.

*Deniya's P.O.V*
I was walking down the cold, hospital halls when I heard Johnson and Nash arguing.
"You shouldn't have took Taylors side when Deniya was right"Nash yelled.
"Well. You shouldn't have cheated on her"Johnson yelled. I turned the cornor and Nash swung at Johnson. Nash hit him and he stumbled back.
"What the hell." I yelled

*Nash's P.O.V*
"Well you shouldn't have cheated on her"Johnson yelled at me. Without thinking I punched him in the face.
"What the hell " Deniya said turning the corner. I looked at her and then at Johnson.
"Its not what it looks like" I said. She walked up to me and slapped me
"Nash shut the hell up. Thats what you said about you cheating on me. I can't believe I trusted you again. Hes my best friend more of a brother to me. And you have the nerve to tell him to stay out of my life. Fuck you Nash. FUCK YOU" She screamed at me and crying. She probably would have kept going if Johnson didn't pull her away from me.

*Johnson's P.O.V*
Deniya was yelling at Nash and hitting him. I pulled her away from him and took her to a uber.
"What the hell was that about" I yelled at her
"He punched you in the face and told you to stay out of my life. I wasn't going to let him do that" she yelled with tear stained cheeks. She started looking out the window.
"Deniya. I'm sorry." I said bringing her into my chest. She layed there for a second
"It's not your fault" She said her voice cracking. She fell asleep the rest of the way. When we got to my house I put her in my car and drove her home. It started to rain on the way to hee house. When we got to her house she was already awake and she just sat there.
"Thanks for everything Jack. I'll see you in two months"Deniya said before getting out. I got out right before she stepped inside.
"Your just going to leave without a hug" I yelled. Deniya turned around. Stood there and then ran towards me and hugged me. We hugged for a few minutes until she let go.
"Give these to the people woth their names on it" She said handing me a few envolopes.
"I love you little sister" I said hugging her again
"I love you too big brother" She aaid her voice cracking. I walked her inside and then drove back home. The car ride home was long and lonley. When I got home. I was asked alot of questions like "Where's Deniya" or "Why are you soaking wet". I ignored the questions and just went upstairs and got changed and went to bed.

*Aubrey's P.O.V*
I woke up around midnight. Matt was gone and so was my sister. I heard alot of things being dropped downstairs and since I felt a little better I went to go check it out. I walked downstairs and saw Matt and my mom talking about different things. I hid behind the corner and listened.
"Matt. If you guys are going to  have sex then you have to use protection" My mom said. I covered my mouth in shock.
"Trust me. I will. I already made that mistake once." Matt said. Shit shit shit I thought to myself he just told my mom I used to be pregnant.
"What do you mean by that"my mom asked confused
"Don't tell Aubrey I told you but she was pregnant at one time didn't want the baby so she took a pill and then abracadabra she wasn't pregnant anymore" Matt said. I ran upstairs and crashed down on my bed and started to cry. What will my mom think about me after this. How will she treat me. I'm only 16 for goodness sake. Ughhh.
"Aubrey honey are you awake?" My mom asked.  I just layed there so she would think that I was asleep. She walked out and I got up and went back to try and hear what thwy were saying.
"I knew you weren't asleep"My mom said. I rolled my eyes.
"We need to talk" my mom said walking downstairs. I grabbed a blanket and went downstairs. Matt was sitting there with a guilty look on his face.
"Do you have anything to tell me" My mom asked.
"Ummmm. I don't know. What did Matt say" I said
"Ummmm. Lets see. You guys had sex and then you got sick and then you got pregnant and then took an after pill then you weren't pregnant"My momsaid giving me a serous face. I stood there.
"Ummmmm. True. True. True. True. And True. So yeah all of that is. TRUE" I said smiling.
"That's not funny. Why didn't you tell me"My mom said
"I was 15 just turned 16. I was way to young"I said
"Your lucky I'm letting you have sex. You have to use fucking protection"My mom yelled at me.
"FINE. IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN" I yelled back. I looked at Matt and he had put his whole head on the table.
"I'm Sorry"Matt said picking up his head.

*Matt's P.O.V *
Aubrey and her mom were yelling at each other and I felt like it was all my fault.
"I'm sorry" I said picking up my head off the table.
"Its okay"Aubrey mom said.
"No. It's not. He was part of this."Aubrey yelled.
"Aubrey Lena Salinas"Her mom snapped at her. She looked at me and then back at her mom.
"Ughhh. I fucking hate this"Aubrey yelled running up the stairs and slamming her bedroom door shut. We xould hear her yelling cuss words from the top of her lungs.
"I should be getting going" I said standing up.
"No its okay. You can go sleep in the spare room upstairs."Aubreys mom said
"Okay. Thank you"I said hugging her.
"Your welcome. Your always welcomed"She said. I went upstairs  and layed down in the spare room. As soon as I was falling asleep somebody opened the door. I looked up and it was.......


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