Chapter 2

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James's POV:

"Okay," I say, after having parked up outside the house. "Before we go in there, just be nice. They might come across as a bit weird and eccentric, but my sisters are lovely, it's more my parents that are the problem. So if they ask anything at all . . ." I look at Riley's inquisitive face as I breathe in, "Just let me do the talking and answering. You do the smiling 'cause so far, you seem to be really good at that." She smiles the moment I complement her. "Exactly what I mean," I mutter. She chuckles.

"Okay, James. I get it. And I'm sure your family aren't that bad," she says. "I mean, if you're not, then why would they be?"

"You have no idea," I state. She makes a weird expression but rolls her eyes to shrug off what I had just said before turning to open the door on her side. I do the same and get out of the car, meeting her on the side-walk. She smiles, just like I had told her to, except I'm sure it's a real one and not forced, and she pushes the frame of her sunglasses slightly up her head, where it was resting behind her ears.

"Wait," she says, grabbing my arm and pulling me back. "Piper's your only sibling, right?" she asks. I shake my head.

"Piper's fourteen, my youngest sister. I've got an older sister, Amie, but I don't talk to her as much. Then I've got more siblings but it's complicated," I tell her. I don't like to open up about the depth of my family to people. And, even though it may seem rude, there's no way I'm telling a girl I've known for barely a day about my home problems. I doubt she trusts me that much, so why should I trust her?

"Oh, okay," she says, nodding slightly.

"That's okay with you, right?" I ask her. She smiles, looking at me.

"Yeah. They seem lovely."

I place my hand cautiously on her back, in a way where I tried to not make her feel uncomfortable as we walked towards my front door. I ring the doorbell and wait a couple of minutes but notice Riley begin to twiddle her thumbs. I place my hand over the top of hers.

"Sorry," she says. "I just-"

"It's okay. Piper does it, too, when she's nervous. It's to stop you from nail-biting, right?" I ask. She sighs and strokes her blonde hair back.

"Yeah, but twiddling my thumbs is equally as bad. It's a habit," she says. I nod, about to say something else but the door opens right before I could say anything.

"Piper!" my half-brother, Jason, exclaims when he sees me. "James is here! And with a cute girl as well," he says, eyeing Riley. She raises her brows and turns to face me, so I just lightly rub her back before stepping inside. As I suspected, the house was a mess. With dog hairs on the floor and toys spread about. Clothes were thrown all over the place and Dad was sat on a table in the dining room, filling in forms as Mom cooked. She turns around when she sees me and smiles, plopping the wooden spoon down to rush over to us.

"Ah, James! I haven't seen you in a while," she says as she kisses my cheek. I squirm, closing my eyes and begging for her to pull her lips away from me. "And who might this lovely girl be? Is she your new girlfriend?" she asks in a whisper, as if Riley wasn't stood right next to me.

I open my mouth, about to answer, but instead turn to the side and examine Riley for a while before moving my hand from her back to link her hand with mine.

"Uh . . . yes!" I establish. Riley's eyes widen for about the third time today. "She is. My new girlfriend, that is. Right . . . babe?" I push, nudging her arm. She nods slowly, taking the hint.

"Um, yep."

"Three months in counting," I add.

"Three months?" I hear Riley whisper to herself. I nudge her in the arm again to shut her up.

"You never told me!" Mom exclaims. "You must come over for dinner one day, sweetheart. What's your name?" she asks. Riley blushes, looking red in the face. I squeeze her hand lightly, hoping the action would comfort her in some shape or form.

"It's Riley," she answers, reaching her other hand out to shake my mother's.

"That's a gorgeous name," she tells her. "How about you come over tomorrow? I can make my special dish - it's James's favourite," she grins, referring to me as if I was a two-year-old. Riley giggles cutely, though, looking at me.

"That sounds great. I'd love that," she answers. I'm a bit surprised, but I don't hide the smile on my face. Maybe having Riley come over for dinner isn't a terrible idea, despite the fact I just met here last night.

"Amazing. Now where is that daughter of mine?" Mom mumbles. "Piper Alexandra Vinchely! Get down here. Your brother's waiting to take you to practice!" she shouts up the stairs.

"I'm coming!" she responds. Mom smiles once again, looking at Riley in adoration. I could tell she felt more than a little awkward, though, as she starts twiddling her thumb again with her right hand.

"Come on, Ri. We can wait in the car," I say. She looks up at me, as if she was unsure so I nod. "It's fine, Piper'll be about another five minutes anyway."

"Okay then," she says reluctantly but as I open the front door for us to leave, she turns around to face Mom. "It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Vinchely," she says. I wince slightly. Vinchely was mine, Amie's and Piper's surname, but not Mom's. Mainly because her and my biological dad divorced years ago. Vinchely is my actual dad's surname but Mom's maiden name is Mordent.

"Deborah, love," Mom answers, avoiding the short-term nerve that Riley had just accidentally hit.

"Oh, okay," she answers. "It was nice to meet you."

"You too, sweetheart," Mom replies, then Riley smiles before we both walk out and leave. She lets go of my hand the moment we escape Mom's presence.

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