Chapter 48

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Riley's POV:

About an hour into the time we'd spent alone in the hotel room, James and I lay together, our naked bodies pressed together with myself on top of him. I had my head buried against his chest and I sat with my eyes closed, my legs tangled together with his while the two of us cuddled each other under the covers.

"I love you," I whisper, resting my chin on his head as I looked up at him. He smiles down at me and combs his fingers through my hair gently.

"I love you more," he tells me back, causing me to smirk as I wriggle and push myself up further so that I could gain access to his lips.

"I love you most," I say back, about to kiss him but just as our lips are about to touch, he teases me by continuing to talk.

"Well I love you for infinity," he whispers, causing me to smile and finally kiss him once more. It was the last thing I remember being said before I fell asleep in his arms.

. . .

The next day, I was sat in the auditorium with the band, Mr. T and Madelyn while they rehearsed tomorrow night's show. I was sat on a seat in the front row whilst scrolling through my phone, messaging the girls on the group chat and letting them now how I was. Much like James, they've been ridiculously protective of me ever since the incident with Aiden.

"Hey," a voice says suddenly while Mr. T was busy discussing something with the band on stage. Frowning, I look up in front of me knowing there was only one person who could be talking to me and turns out I was correct. It was Madelyn.

"Busy," I mutter. As soon as I made eye-contact with her, I instantly looked back down at my phone again. However, being the annoying girl she is, she then chooses to sigh and take a seat next to me, immediately gaining my attention again and making me glare at her.

"So what did you and James get up to last night? You didn't show up at the restaurant," she questions but I can see through her walls which is why I don't give her the ammunition that she needs to get into my head.

"You know, I've never really been one for matchmaking but I have a feeling I might know a guy back home who could be the perfect match for you. He's infuriating, he's manipulative, he's arrogant. In other words, he's a male version of you. You'd be a perfect match," I spit, rolling my eyes at her. I don't bother getting up but wait for her to do so first as she scoffs. "I don't hate people, Madelyn, and I don't hate you either. But I will not put up with you and your teases and sneers and mockery. So the answer is yes. James and I did do what you think we did. But I wouldn't change it for the world," I tell her, shaking my head in her direction before standing up.

Just then, I feel one arm snake around my waist from behind as a kiss is placed on my cheek and I lean into his touch.

"Everything good here?" James asks, looking between both Madelyn and I. I give Madelyn a stank eye which causes her to roll her eyes in response.

"You might not hate people and neither do I. But if I was asked, you would definitely be top of the list," she says, causing me to wrinkle my nose and shake my head.

"I'll send you Aiden's number then, shall I?" I say, making James chuckle as he kisses my cheek once again.

"I'm liking this version of you. Have I mentioned how hot you are?" he says, leaning in for another kiss. I whack him in the chest and laugh lightly, dragging him over to a corner for him to push me up against the wall and allow us to make-out. I'm beginning to acknowledge how physical we've been getting lately but after what we did the previous night . . . I'm honestly not too bothered anymore.

"I'm taking you on a date tonight," James says after breaking away for a short moment. I look up at him and smile, nodding.

"Okayyy but I'll need an hour to get ready."

"But you're already beautiful as it isss," he whines, causing me to roll my eyes but blush at the same time.

"That's very sweet but also very cliché, honey," I state, making him wink at me due to the nickname. I smirk and reach up to kiss his lips again, lifting his chin up with my index finger.

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