Chapter 7

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James's POV:

"So," I say, watching Riley bring a forkful of rice to her lips. "How about, since this is our first date and all-"

"This is a date?" she asks, covering her mouth with her hand as she chewed and talked at the same time. I widen my eyes, realising what I just said, but try and cover it up.

"I mean, do you want it to be a date?" The look on her face softens, her face becoming cuter within each second that passes. The look in her perfectly round, brown eyes was adorable.

"I don't mind," she says eventually, putting her fork down. "Anyway, continue with what you were saying."

"Right, so since this is officially our first date," I say, making her lips curve slightly upwards as she rests her elbow on the table and lets her chin rest above the back of her palm, "why don't we ask each other one question and we have to answer truthfully." She seems hesitant as she grinds her teeth together in thought. I reach my hands across the table in the hopes that she would hold them and she slowly does so. "You don't have to answer anything you're not comfortable with," I tell her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Okay. Just one question, though. Then on our next date, we can ask two."

"Next date?" I inquire, smirking. Her cheeks flush red. "You're actually interested in me?" I ponder.

"Well, yeah," she mumbles. "Otherwise I probably wouldn't be sat opposite you in a dark, romantic Chinese restaurant, would I?" I laugh at her sarcasm a little and then kick her feet under the table with my own. "Can I ask the question first?" she asks.

"Of course."

"Okay," she breathes. "So, yesterday I called your mom, Mrs Vinchely, but you both went completely awkward when I did. Did I say something I wasn't supposed to? Because your mom seems lovely and I don't want to do or say something stupid that I wasn't aware of to offend her," she rambles. I cut her off by cupping her cheek softly.

"It's okay, Ri. You won't offend her," I say gently. "It's just that my family is really complicated."

"Are you going to tell me about it?" she asks tenderly. "I understand if not."

"No, I'll tell you." She smiles warmly. "Basically, my mom and dad got divorced when I was eight. Dad already had a daughter before and that was Amie, but she's my half-sister and she has a different mom to me, hence the reason why I don't talk to Amie as much. My dad and mom got married when Amie was five, and had Piper and I a few years later, but it wasn't until eleven years ago, when Piper was jus three and I was eight that they got divorced because dad was having an affair with some woman called Kayleigh. He's still with her now and they have a six-year-old son, Jason. He's the boy you saw yesterday who told you you're cute." 

She giggles a little but then goes serious again as I continue. "The guy you saw sitting at the table yesterday wasn't my biological dad. That was my stepdad, John, but I see him as a dad, which is why I call him that. Vinchely is my biological dad, Charles's, surname but my mom prefers the formal name of Ms. Morzden because that's her maiden name."

"Oh my gosh," she says, squeezing my hand a little. "I had no idea your family was so . . ."

"Versatile?" I finish off for her. She doesn't say anything, just has that same sympathetic look on her face. "Yeah, I know. It sucks. But it's fine. Piper and I are definitely closest so it's nice to have her stay at mine sometimes like she did last night," I tell her. "Now, what about you? Why did you get so shaky when you were telling me about the last time you'd been kissed yesterday?" I ask.

"It's personal, James. I wouldn't mind talking to you about it but the time and place is just . . ." she drifts off. "I can't talk about it on a date."

"Riley, I don't care if we're on a date. I'm listening to your every word, no matter what. And there must be a reason you got so worked up last night. Something more than us barely knowing each other. If you tell me, I can help you," I state softly. She looks down at the table and twiddles her thumbs around my fingers, but this time I let her. If it's what will calm her down when she talks to me about this, then I can't stop her.

"My ex-boyfriend," she says. "I broke up with him the same night you found me drunk in the club. I found out he had cheated on me with some girl. I thought it was someone I knew, but there's loads of different rumors flying around about who she could be."

"You broke up with him only two nights ago?" I ask, loosening my grip. She looks sheepish but nods. "I'm rushing you into a relationship, aren't I?" I question, retracting my hands away from hers but she quickly pulls them back.

"No, James, you're not, trust me. I need this," she says, sounding almost desperate. I watch the worry lines build up on her forehead and I feel the urge to kiss it, smoothing the wrinkles out. I don't though. I can't. "The thing about Aiden," she says, "is that he makes it seem like he's some cool, popular guy who everyone loves, and I fell for it six months ago. I was popular too, still am, and everyone shipped us together so we took on the relationship after playing a fatal game of Truth or Dare and started dating after that. He would kiss me, cuddle me and be so sweet at first, but that was before he changed. Completely. I thought he loved me. He always told me he did, but looking back," she pauses and her voice cracks when she says, "I'm not so sure."

She had tears welling up in her eyes by now and I could tell she was biting the inside of her cheeks as they shortly became sucked in. She dabs her eyes with her finger and then briskly apologises, "Sorry. I look like an idiot." She tries to laugh it off, playing it off coolly but I shake my head.

"You don't. You look anything but that," I tell her. "Aiden's the one who seems like the idiot right now." She smiles but doesn't continue with finishing her story as she goes to eating her food as an alternative. I don't complain. I'd rather have her be happy than worrying about her ex on our date. 

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