Chapter 24

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Riley's POV:

I was still a little shaken up by all the memories to do with Aiden which had stuck in my head, even by the time it was the evening. I was sat beside James on Piper's sofa-bed which had been unfolded for us to sit on whilst Deborah, Jason and John sat on the sofa opposite, watching a global talent show on the Free-view flat-screen TV. 

I was sat between James's legs, his arms placed lightly on my hips. Both of us had pretty much finished eating the pizza we had ordered and it was only Piper left to finish eating her now but she was currently preoccupied in taking her shot in asking a bunch of questions about mine and James's relationship. As she spoke, James leant down to rest his chin on top of my shoulder and then he kissed my cheek and I smiled, leaning back in his arms.

"Kiss, marry, kill? James, you start," Piper says as she leans against her set of pillows. James clicks his tongue then nods, smirking.

"Alright," he mumbles, his lips brushing my skin. "Kiss Piper, marry Riley and I would kill Jason but he's my li'l brother, so," he says, making me smile as he caresses my hips and waist gently, making sure to avoid antagonising the bruise before he gently kisses his sister's forehead.

"Alright, me now!" Jason squeals, causing me to laugh at his cuteness. 

"Okay, go on then," James says as I lean my head back against his chest and neck. He smiles down at me, shortly catching my gaze as I smile back up at him softly.

"Okay . . . I would . . . Kill James, marry Piper because then I can divorce her straight after, and then I'd kiss Riley," he says with a wink, flicking his fingers in my direction, making me chuckle when James begins to pretend acting all hurt and jealous. 

"Excuse me buddy, she's already mine I'm afraid."

"Not anymore," Jason smirks, getting up and then shuffling his small body over towards me. He points towards his cheek so James loosens his grip around me and I get up, crawling over to the six-year-old boy before lightly pressing my lips to that part of his skin.

"Okay, Jase. That's enough. Can I have my girl back now?" James says, pulling me back down onto his lap. I laugh even more before sitting myself down sideways above his thighs and I rest the back of my head against his chest again. "Pipes, you now," he instructs, rubbing my arm.

"Okay. I would marry Riley, kiss Jason, kill James."

"Well that was fairly easy," I say, making her start laughing.

"Yeah," James adds with an eyeroll. "Thanks a lot, Piper. You were my fave sibling before but I guess that spot now goes to Amie," James says, causing me to hit him lightly in the chest as I blink at the abruptness of his half-sister's name. 

Officially, we've been dating for two months now but I'd still hardly ever heard him speak about her. I didn't know if they were on good terms or not, all I know is her name and age, so to be reminded that he even has an older sister still kind of surprises me sometimes. All I hope is that he'll eventually trust me enough to tell me all about her the same way I'm anticipating to tell him about everything that happened between Aiden and I. I don't want it to be a cat and dog situation where one of us are always talking whilst the other's always listening. I want it to be just.

"What about me?" Jason pouts.

"Don't try and guilt-trip me, Jase. You said you'd kill me too," James teases and Jason sticks his tongue out. It's nice seeing James getting along so well with his siblings. He seems so happy around them and I can tell he's extremely protective over them. They've clearly been through a lot with his dad leaving but it feels nice to see this different side to him for a change.

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