Chapter 61

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Riley's POV:

The next morning James still hadn't returned. I was more than just worried. I didn't know what to do or what to think. My brain was almost confused, my gut turned inside out. I wanted to leave the hotel and go and search for him myself but I knew deep down that doing that wouldn't get me anywhere. I didn't know this area at all so I'd most likely go missing myself.

I leant against the counter by the sink, still remaining in the tank top and shorts I had worn to bed the night before. I was exhausted since I'd barely been able to shut my eyes with the hope that he may have gotten back to me but he never did. I hadn't heard a single peep and I was beginning to stress even more. 

Just as I was about to give up and grab my coat and shoes and leave here to go and look for him, the door of the hotel room opens following the sound of the key card unlocking the door. My head shoots up and I remain where I was stood, biting my lip whilst I watch the door open. As soon as it does, my eyes land on James and my entire body looses its weight as I breathe out a sigh of relief. Without saying anything, he closes the door shut behind him before turning around to face me. When his eyes meet mine, he exhales a little.

"Riley," he breathes out. I watch him as he puts his arms out for me so I take it as the hint that it was okay to touch him now which is why I soon find myself running into his arms, flinging my arms around his neck while he pulls me close to him, his hands resting on the small of my back. He buries his head into the crook of my neck whilst I close my eyes, glad he was okay and hadn't done anything to hurt himself. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he whispers, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smile softly and then pull back, cupping his cheeks.

"It's okay. I'm here, it's okay. You're okay," I tell him, smiling softly before pressing our lips together in a sweet kiss.

"Riley," he mumbles against my lips as we continue kissing. "You can back out of this," he whispers as I kiss him again. "I don't want to be another Aiden to you. I don't want to hurt you-"

"James," I whisper, pulling back and then tugging at the collar of his jacket as I pull him close to me. He moves his hands to my waist, placing them there whilst I pull him down to my height so that our heads leant against each other. "I'm not backing out of this. I just need you to talk to me, okay. That's all. I want you, James. Nothing you can do or say will make me stop wanting you," I tell him. He closes his eyes as I stroke his cheek with the tip of my thumb before pressing another gentle kiss to his lips. 

"Ri," he whispers in defiance but I shake my head, still cupping his cheeks in my hands. "Please don't do this to yourself. If you do this, you know what you're risking, don't you?"

"What I'd be risking is loving the perfect guy for me. If that means I get hurt along the way then so be it. I'd rather love you and get hurt in the process than to not get hurt but never have loved you at all," I tell him. I take him by the hand and then lead us over to the edge of the bed before sitting us both down. Once we do, I take both of James's hands into mine and I make sure the hand with my ring on it was on top so his eyes were met with it. "What does my ring say?" I ask him. 


"What does my ring say?" I repeat sternly.

"Forever," he mumbles.

"And why did you decide to get me a ring that says that word?"

"Because . . . I'll love you forever and I want us to last forever . . ."

As he says it, it makes my heart simmer with joy at the sound of his words and I give his hand a light squeeze.

"Talk to me, James," I whisper to him as I move our hands to rest over the top of his knee. "I'm not leaving you. I never will. And I know you would never ever intend to hurt me."

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