Chapter 25

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James's POV:

I wake up on Wednesday morning beside Riley, my arms wrapped around her with her body turned in and curled up to me. She had her own arms around my torso, her head buried into my chest whilst my legs were tangled with hers. I smile down at her and press a kiss to her forehead before slowly loosening my limbs from hers. Pulling myself away from her, I worm my way out of the covers and stand up before grabbing my navy blue dressing gown to put over the top of my bare chest and boxers. Pulling the rope, Riley stirs and rolls onto her back before slowly opening up her eyes to look at me.

"Come back," she murmurs, sitting herself up and pouting in my direction. Smiling at her softly, I make my way back over and sit on the edge before worming my arm around her waist and pulling her close to me, causing her to rest her head above my lap. I comb my fingers through her light hair and she sighs.

"Feeling okay?" I ask her but she shakes her head. "What's wrong?"

"I don't even know anymore," she mumbles, sighing. "Have you ever felt so down and despondent, you practically feel dead already?" she asks, turning her head around to look at me. I look into her eyes and shake my head no in response, which eventually makes her shake her own head as she bites her lip and holds my hands. "I hope you never feel that way then. It's horrible," she says.

"Riley," I say, gaining her attention as she hums back to me. "Can we do something fun today?"

"Depends, what's your definition of fun?" she says but though her voice was bland, a smirk slowly overtakes that simple frown upon her face, making me smile down at her as I move my forehead closer and rest it against hers.

"Shower, change and tell Piper to show you the way to the Canopy. But be there by four," I tell her, making her pull back and raise an eyebrow at me.

"What the hell are you on about?"

"Please, Riles," I say, unable to get rid of the smile on my face, "You have to trust me on this. Pipes knows what I'm talking about."

"Okay," she whispers softly, leaning in and pressing her lips against mine. "I'm trusting you," she chuckles, draping her arms around my neck. I smile at her and move my hands to her hips before kissing her again in response for me to hear her wondrous, light, little giggle. This girl . . . there's something so amazing about her which I just don't understand but somehow it makes her seem even more perfect. Whether she's sad, angry or happy, there's never a time when I'm not totally captivated by her.

Piper's POV:

In the caravan, I was sat in my room, scrolling through my phone when my battery died. I'd forgotten to bring my charger with me and so begrudgingly stand up to go and borrow either Mom's or James's, whichever one was currently available. However, it wasn't until I actually entered the lounge section when I realized James wasn't here. He was in the shower not long ago but I suppose he must have left.

"Hey, John?" I call my step-dad. James and I had never really finalised on calling him Dad, and at the moment we were on a respective first-name basis. He didn't mind though and said he'd prefer for us to feel comfortable than forced. He looks up from where he was sat on the couch watching a match, then he sees me and smiles.

"Hey, honey-bun. What's up?"

"Do you know where James is? I need his charger but I'm not sure where it is."

"He left a couple of minutes ago. Got a few things planned for a special someone," he says in a whisper teasingly, making my eyes widen in realization and I chuckle. "Don't tell her though. From what I've gathered it's a surprise."

"Where's he taking her?"

"The Old Canopy," he says and I nod my head. Their relationship must be serious if he was taking her there. James has never been able to face the Canopy ever since our actual dad left and that was years back. It's nice to see him finally letting the past become a reality and to see him being open to what's happened. "I think Riley brought a spare charger with her. You can go and ask her for one if you'd like," he tells me, so I begin to make my way back in the direction of James's room.

The door was creaked open the slightest and I could hear several swear words being muttered under a breath, so I take a look inside to see Riley in tears. James's shoes and coat weren't here and the bed had been made, confirming the fact that he was in fact not here. Riley, however, was sat on the bed, head in her hands with her hair sprawled out all over the place, hairbrush thrown on the floor amongst piles of clothes and her open suitcase. I slowly open the door wider, causing it to creak but I doubt she hears since she makes no sudden movements.

"Riley," I call her. Instantly, she cranes her neck up and swivels it around to look at me before she frantically shakes her head and goes back into tears again. 

Don't tell me my brother's been an idiot and done something stupid.

"Ri, what's wrong? What's going on?" I make my way over to her after sliding the tiny door shut and then making my way across the floorboards to sit down beside her on the bed. She shuffles further away from me as soon as I place my hand on her knee and I notice her squirm a little. "I- Is it me? Have I done something?" I ask in confusion but she shakes her head and sighs.

"No. God, Piper, no. Never. It would never be you, sweetie."

"Then what is it? Is it James?" 

I'd never seen her like this before. Most of the time she was happy and smiling, either kissing James or sitting on his lap or something romantic like that. What had happened in this small period of time to make her mood drop? John just said he was taking her on her date but . . . Was it something that happened when we were playing Kiss, Marry, Kill? That was my idea. What if she's upset because of something which was said in that game.

"Piper, it's nothing really. It's just . . ." She turns her head and looks up at me before snatching my hands in hers, squeezing them softly and forcing a smile. "It's not you. It's me."

"What is it, Riley? You're a part of this family, you can talk to me."

"It's stupid."

"I'm sure it's not. Trust me, I'm a girl. Girls think things sometimes and I'm sure we've all been in the same boat before. Is it about James? Make-up? Hormones? Periods?"

"I need to change the way I look," she blurts out, immediately making me widen my eyes. She bites her lip and looks around her a little before nodding her head in confirmation. "I need to change my hair at least. And buy new clothes. James has organised some date thing for tonight and I want to look good."

"Riley, you already look beautiful as it is," I tell her but she shakes her head.

"Thank you. Honestly. Your compliments are the sweetest. But I'm not changing because of insecurities or anything like that. I need to do this because of something personal," she says.

Riley's POV:


He's the answer to everything. I need to change to get rid of him. It seems like every dress I wear, I've worn it before he assaulted me. Every lipstick I own, his lips have tasted. The hair I have now is the same hair he's run his fingers through endlessly. I just need a change. A reboot. A refresh. I'm not changing my personality or anything like that, I just need an upgrade. 

I'm James's girlfriend now, not Aiden's. And if I'm going to be James's girl then I need to be my own person. Aiden told me to dye my hair blonde because he was sick of the brunette hair I owned. He told me to wear contacts because he didn't think glasses suited me. He brought me almost all the dresses I own and most of them are lacy or explicit or sexy and I hate it. It's not me. That's not who I am. If James is going to date me, he needs to see the real me and not the leftovers from Aiden's meal.

I look at Piper with a glint of hope in my eyes, hoping for her to understand in some instinctive way. I can't tell her about Aiden but I hope she can see through me and know that I have reason for this.

Eventually, after what seems like forever, she nods her head and smiles softly.

"I know this town like the back of my hand. We can start off at Lyla's hair salon and then make our way to Evergreen Mall. What time do you need to meet James?"

"Four. He told me that you should show me to the-"

"Canopy?" she finish for me, and I raise an eyebrow, nodding slowly. "I'll get you there looking as gorgeous as ever right on time, Ri," she says and I smile at her before she pretty much jumps on top of me, pulling me into a large, warm hug. "I'm about to make sure you get the make-over that will make James adore you even more than he does already," she whispers into my ear, making me giggle.

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