Chapter 38

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James's POV:

"That was good, guys, well done," Mr. T tells us, nodding from where he was sat in the front seat watching us. He was surrounded by Madelyn and a few of the directors who had been assisting us and as I look around the stage, my gaze ends up on Madelyn's who quickly breaks eye-contact and looks at the ground instead. It's weird. One minute she's all flirty and touchy, then the next she's acting as if I've done something wrong, almost  as if she's guilt-tripping me into being with her again, which definitely won't be happening anytime soon.

"Now, before you go, I need to have a word with you, James," Mr. T continues. His eyes burn into mine as I look towards him, concerned. "The rest of you boys can head back to the trailer, change into your normal clothes and then meet outside for us to go to the restaurant."

"Is everything okay?" Luke asks, taking his guitar off his shoulder and packing it into its case. "If you need to have a word with James, shouldn't you talk to us about whatever it is too?"

"I'm afraid this is more of a confidential matter, Luke. Now run on and leave me to talk to James alone, please," our teacher responds. Luke looks at me curiously, as if I was supposed to know what Mr. T wanted to talk about, so I end up shrugging my shoulders as I watch the three of my bandmates leave and exit the stage. Madelyn follows after them, talking to Theo along the way while the directors begin to talk amongst themselves. I make my way down the staircase of the stage until I reach him, still holding my drumsticks in hand. 

"So, what's going on?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He was scribbling something down on his clipboard but I wasn't able to see what. He lifts his head up after a moment for his eyes to meet mine and then he clicks his tongue.

"I know that you and Madelyn have history, James," he begins. I'm about to cut in but he puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me. "She's been having some financial problems lately and I won't go into details but she's in need of some extra money. Therefore, I've decided to give her a promotion and have signed her up for being the band's personal assistant. I haven't promised it to her yet but I recommended it. I just need to get all of the boys' approval before giving her the responsibility and that meant checking it was okay with you first."

"Madelyn's going to be our PA?" I inquire and he nods his head. "Why do we even need one? We're only a small group right now, not popstars just yet."

"Right, but headlining acts like this often leads onto being put in the spotlight and getting recognised. If you have a PA, you'll come across as a lot more decent and equipped in the eyes of some scouts and big, renowned producers. And I know you aren't together anymore but there has to be a small part of you that does still care about the girl. She's suffering right now, with her nan in hospital with cancer, mom finding it hard to provide for her and her siblings . . . she could do with the pay-rise, James," he says as I shake my head, biting my lip. 

Madelyn and I already have a rocky relationship with her being costume designer. I'm afraid to think of what might happen if she was to become our PA, then becoming closer and being around me more frequently.

"Is there not a way for her to get a pay-rise without becoming our assistant?" I ask, only for him to breathe in through his teeth before shaking his head.

"I'm afraid not, buddy. This is the only offer I have for her. Whether I give it to her or not is in the hands of you and your bandmates," he says, causing me to sigh and hold my head in my hands.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

. . .

Riley's POV:

Riley's POV:

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