Chapter 62

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*six months later*

James's POV:

When I was back at campus and Ri was at her school too, I was in my dorm room changing after just having come out of the shower. I didn't have much plans for the day. We had an upcoming music project where we will split into randomised groups and will have to spend the semester working together to create an amazing song which will be performed at the concert taking place in August. The only band member who was in the same group as me was Theo but I was cool with that.

Suddenly I hear the sound of the door opening as it creaks slightly but before I get the chance to turn around and see who it was, the person jumps onto my bare back as I was currently shirtless and was standing in just my boxers. There was only one person it could be though, which is why I chuckle as she flings her arms down past my neck and I rotate my head around to kiss her cheek as best I could.

"Well that was very unexpected, little grasshopper," I chuckle, turning us around and carefully lowering her down onto my bed. As she's sat down, I smile, placing my hands on her waist which was exposed since she was wearing a white cotton tube top and I kiss the top of her head. "Feeling confident now, hm?" I question, staring at her beautiful self. Ever since the day I'd met her she'd always closed her body off except for the times we made out and slept together. I'm glad she's feeling comfortable enough now to start wearing the clothes she used to wear again.

"Yeah, I mean the bruises are gone and Aiden and I have been broken up for a whole year now. It's time to forget the guy and bring the old Riley back."

"Mm, well I almost love the Riley I used to know as much as this one . . ."


"Yeah," I whisper, leaning closer to her as I held my t-shirt in my hands. "This one's much hotter," I whisper to her, trailing kisses from her lips down her jaw-line and towards her bare shoulder. She smiles up at me, seductively biting her lip as she falls back onto the bed but stopping me from breaking away, she wraps her legs around mine, pulling me so close that I practically fall on top of her. She smirks and throws the navy blue t-shirt out of my hands before draping her arms around my neck as mine hold her by the waist firmly, drawing small circles on her bare skin until my lips find their way to hers and we begin to kiss passionately, our loving gesture completely wholesome.

"James," she mumbles into the kiss as her hands slowly begin to crawl up the back of my head before getting tangled in my hair.


"I . . . I have something to tell you," she whispers breathlessly. Once she says it, I pull away from her, still hovering over the top of her body while she looks up at me, lightly combing my hair.

"Go on," I whisper in response teasingly. She smiles at me, breathing in before breathing out again and then nodding her head, encouraging herself to say it.

"I know you're going to think I'm being crazy but . . ."

"Babe, I could never think of you as crazy," I chuckle, cutting her off, making her roll her eyes. She detangles her fingers from my hair, making me roll off the top of her so I was sat beside her instead and then she places her hands firmly on her lap. In the past six months she's managed to drop a lot of the old habits she used to have and one of them was fiddling with her fingers. Now she's learning to compose herself and as I'm watching her grow, I know I couldn't be more proud of her. "What is it, Ri?"

"What if . . ." She pauses to shuffle closer to me and then places her hands on my thigh which was closest to hers. "What if you and I ran a performing arts school together? It could be called . . . Infinite Performing Arts Academy or something?" she says, making me take it in before looking at her like she was insane. I know I said I could never think of her as crazy but now that she's said what was on her mind, I think I may need to conquer.

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