Chapter 5: Blessing in disguise (Part-1)

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They say, in every problem, there will always be a solution. Whether we realize it or not, there is a blessing in disguise behind our hardship. Sadly, not everyone can realize the hidden meaning behind the obstacle that they're facing and when they know, it's already too late.


For an outcast like Gabriella Lopez, accepting a rejection was not easy. She had cried for many hours since she logged out from the virtual world. It only got worse when she found out that the one who spread the rumors about her in the WOTON forum, was no other than her ex-best friend, Fanny Chamberlin.

'So, yesterday, she treated me nicely because she wanted something in return...' she weeps while reading the nasty comments that Fanny and other students have written about her.

It is a long discussion about how bad the tinkering-fairy is and after five minutes of reading it, she decides that she has had enough, 'I won't trust her anymore...' she swears while slamming the laptop close, 'Fanny and her friends are the worst! I'll show them what a fairy can do!'

Even though she's a loaf, Gabriella has never faced an online bully before, 'other students think that I never existed and I prefer that way... but why now? Is it because I picked the lamest class, now I become the center of a joke?'

Then something quickly occurs in her mind, 'but I don't know if I can solo leveling as a fairy?' anxiety strikes her again, 'should I just swallow my pride and beg Fanny or Rajesh to help me?'

'No!' she shrugs her head, 'I better be expelled from St. Martin and work as a Walmart cashier rather than begging them for help...'

Gabriella Lopez realizes that nothing she can gain by self-pity, 'I still need to lose 11 Kg!' She quickly changes into her athletic wear and puts on her running shoes.


Even after dusk, Gabriella still keeps running around the football field, because she believes that at this time the Gym is packed with students, and she is hesitant to work out in the crowd. She is losing count of how many laps she has run so far, but she remembers that her phone will notify her progress once she gains 1 constitution point (con).

One hour later, the heavenly chime from her phone could be heard—Ching!

'Finally!' she sighs while dropping herself down to the soil ground. She is so tired and doesn't care if it's dirty. Her hand quickly reaches her phone and taps on the WOTON apps that mysteriously installed in it.

[Congratulation, you have gain 1 constitution point, your real-life achievement will be adjusted to your in-game status soon after you log in]

She smiles while resting her head on her left hand while her right is clicking her in-game status menu.

Gabriella Lopez (tinkering-fairy lv-2)

HP : 13+2

MP : 110

Con : 2+1

Int : 65

'Well now at least I can withstand 3 rabbit hits...' she remembers that rabbit's attack costs 5 damage points, 'but I think the fairy isn't designed to withstand a lot of damage...'

All of a sudden, a bottle of isotonic drink is placed next to her medium-length brunette hair.

She gasps and turns around to see who it is, "Jeremy?" her cheek is blushing.

"I saw you from the gym..." the timid boy mutters while sitting next to her, "you had run for 3 hours straight..."

'Three hours... has it been that long?' she barely remembers. At the moment, she's not in a healthy mind to remember everything, "did you stalk me?" Gabriella then asks him with a teasing tone.

Jeremy's face is suddenly reddening, "N-no..." he gulps, unable to speak his mind.

While waiting for his response, her chubby hand then grabs the sports drink and drinks it—gulp-gulp-gulp!

"AHHHH!" the Hispanic girl grins, feeling her life returns soon after she finishes the bottle in one gulp, "thank you for this!" she points out the empty mineral bottle to Jeremy.

"Your welcome..." Jeremy replies. He goes silent for a while watching Gabriella closely, "So, have you heard?"

She nods and gives him a bitter smile, "The rumors about me?"

Jeremy nods.

Gabriella sighs, "Yeah... it sucks...'' She wants to release her anger, and talking about her problems with Jeremy makes her a little bit better.

"They are just ignorant people, Gabriella, don't listen to what they said," he snorts. "They don't know the real power of the support role like us."

"Real power?" she frowns as she thinks that Jeremy is joking, "Are you serious, Jeremy? I can't even kill a monster with my first skill and my healing skill sucks!"

Jeremy chuckles, "Have you tried using your third skill?"

Gabriella wags her head, "You mean the crafting one?" she even forgets that she has that skill, "No... not yet... Do you have tips on how to become strong? Tell me, pleaaaaaase?"

Jeremy fixes his thick-framed glasses position before he explains, "For starters, you can choose one of three basic crafting skills available, sewing skill to craft your armor, chemistry to craft potions, and blacksmith to craft your weapon."

When she wandered around Gardenia yesterday, she remembered that she saw many shops selling various items, "But can we just buy those items from NPC stores?"

Jeremy hums, "Hmm... It's different... Items created by players have unique traits that aren't available in NPC shops. You can buy the basic blueprints or recipes from NPC stores and then modify it on your own!" his hazel eyes glance at Gabriella, "I pick chemistry as my third skill, so I can brew potions by my own. My potions give more recovery points than common potions sold in merchants."

The girl only nods her head frequently as she hears the long explanation, "I see... that's great..." Hence, she becomes gloomy, "But I don't know which skill I should choose."

Jeremy chuckles again, he then stands up, brushing off the dust from his pants, "well, didn't I tell you before, in this game you need to find out your true potential..."

"But I don't know what my true potential is..."

"Well, then it is now for you to find out," he replies and then waves her goodbye.


Gabriella arrives at her room around 9 PM. She swiftly takes off her soaking-wet sportswear and throws it inside the hamper.

Her mind is still thinking about Jeremy's words while taking a quick shower, 'my true potential... What am I good at? Chemistry?' she suddenly recalls that she almost blew out her test tube if it wasn't because of Jeremy who saved her, 'no... I think I won't be a good chemist... then the other option is blacksmith and sewing...'

Tiptoeing to reach her closet, Gabriella quickly opens the cabinet door only to find the old gown that she made by herself. It is a simple white satin dress that she drapes on a mannequin in the home-economy class.

'This is my first project...' she glees recalling that her dress was the best among others. Soon after that, she gets an idea, 'probably I can pick sewing for my first crafting skill...'

The sixteen-year-old then crawls inside her sleeping pod. She intends to sleep at first, but she can't wait to try out her sewing skill.

'Well... it probably will take five minutes...' she simpers and logs in.


A/N Thank you for reading,don't forget to give a vote and comment. If you haven't followed my accountyet, what are you waiting for? Follow me now to get notified of the latestupdate of my work

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