Chapter 13: The Spy

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Even in our daily mundane lives, there is always someone who is watching us; whether it's our nosy neighbor peering through their curtains, prying into our personal affairs. Or perhaps our secret admirer, enchanted by our every move, quietly observing from a distance.

Yet, among these spies, the most unsettling presence is that of our enemies, who silently scheme behind our backs, studying our every move with envy and malice...


Gabriella Lopez, Kyle Adam, and Angeline Yeo made an appointment to meet in the Grassfield, just right outside Gardenia at 4 PM sharp.

[System: Gardenia outskirt, the Grassfield]

The LV-1 Elven guardian is enthusiastic about doing this quest with two girls on his side, "Gabby, Angeline, are you ready?"

Both girls reply with a nod and they now enter the field where the rabbits roam.

Since there is a DPS class in her party, Gabriella makes slight changes to her initial plan. Kyle's role remains the same, which is drawing the attention of a large group of rabbits with his aggro skill-Angry knock; while Angeline is killing the rabbits from a distance with her first skill-wind arrow, and her ultimate skill-arrow rain.

On the other hand, Gabriella's role is only to ensure Kyle's HP doesn't go below zero.

However, Angeline Yeo objects, she believes that Gabriella is more capable than just a mere support, "Gabriella, my ultimate is in cooldown," she croons in the middle of the battle, "can you help him with your offensive skill?"

Even after their team manages to kill 300 rabbits so far, Gabriella has not shown her true potential, which makes the ranger lose her patience.

The tinkering fairy nods, "of course," she secretly grins and casts her normal spell without combining it with fire essence, "Wind blade!"

[System: You attack the brown rabbit with wind blade LV-1 and cause 10 magical damage]

Angeline furrows her brows, 'this bitch clearly doesn't wanna show her secret skill!' but she insists on revealing the truth, "Gabriella, is that the only spell you can do?"

The tinkering fairy looks at her with a dumbfounded expression, "What do you mean by that, Angeline?"

But before the ranger can even reply, Kyle Adams cries out for help, "Angeline, is your ultimate skill ready? His gaze then swiftly moves to Gabriella, "Gaby, heal me, quick!"

Swiftly, Gabriella casts her second skill, "healing breeze!"

Since her second skill applies to all members within the party, a Green aura surrounds Kyle's, Gabriella and Angeline's bodies as it regenerates 5 Hp points for 10 seconds.

Ignoring Kyle's plea, Angeline just stands idle, looking sharp at the fairy, "Don't you have a better spell to cast, Gabby?" She uses Kyle's dire situation as a bargain to force Gabriella to show her the AoE fire spell she witnessed yesterday.

Regardless, Gabriella doesn't give her a satisfactory response, the fairy remains calm while urging her to save Kyle, "Angeline, if you don't cast your arrow rain now, he might die!"

"I don't care!" she finally shows her evil true nature, which makes Kyle Adam shocked.

"Angeline, what are you doing?" Kyle Adam seems upset, he who has gained a few levels then casts his ultimate skill, "Earth fury!" which makes all rabbits around him stunned for 5 seconds.

He uses this chance to escape from the rabbit's wrath and runs swiftly toward his teammates, "come on girls, we need to run!" he warns about the angry rabbits that chase after him.

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