Chapter 12: The Rumors

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On most occasions, rumors were just a bunch of unreliable information carried by the wind, intriguing speculation about someone's affairs that were kept hidden from the public eye. Although usually, it's just a harmless accusation, but for those poor unfortunate souls, the defamation that it caused could have fatal consequences.


Gabriella thinks today will be a beautiful day as she wakes up with a smile, aware that she now has a capable partner to assist her in her quests. Moreover, she has a scheduled meeting with that person, Kyle Adam, in the library after class, so she decides to dress up a bit nicer than usual. While brushing her thick wavy hair, she has a sudden urge to peek at the WOTON forum, only to be shocked by the commotion in one of the threads, which once again involved her.

Turns out, Angeline Yeo, a first-year student at St. Martin Academy, had posted a forum thread that captured everyone's attention. She is inquiring about the existence of a tinkering fairy possessing a devastating fire spell ability.

Angeline Yeo: "Yesterday, I witnessed a tinkering fairy unleash a powerful AoE fire spell, killing around twenty rabbits at once. Does anyone know if this support class possesses such abilities?"

Fanny Chamberlin: "The tinkering fairy I know is that bitch, Gabriella Lopez or whatever her name is, can barely kill a level 1 monster. She is probably still level 3 or somewhere around that."

Karen Anderson: "Are you talking about that psycho-parasite girl?"

Fanny Chamberlin: "Yes, the one and only!"

Alexander Lewis: "Didn't we talk about this already? Lemme sum it up for you guys, all support classes suck! They barely cannot deal any damage, can only fight with a tank and DPS, they're just trash!"

Mitchell Green: "Well I have to agree with Alex for that one... I chose a dwarf class, but soon I realized how lame it is. I only have one offensive skill, one support skill, and a blacksmith crafting skill. I thought it was cool to craft your own armor and stuff, but what I can craft so far are E-grade items only..."

Alexander Lewis: "Woah! That sucks dude!"

Mitchel Green: "Ikr. I hate my class! I wished I could switch to a marksman or something..."

Angeline Yeo: "So, you only have two active skills instead of three?"

Mitchell Green: "Yes, as a crafting-support role, you only have two active skills. Your ultimate skill is replaced by a crafting skill and can only be used outside of battle."

Cindy Adkins: "Well, as a priest, I have three active skills that can be used in battle."

Mitchell Green: "True, the priest is a full support role without any crafting skills."

Cindy Adkins: "Why bother with crafting when you can simply buy everything from the shops?"

Karen Anderson: "Indeed, as long as you have the money, everything is within reach."

Jeremy Honeycutt: "Well, some items in the game can only be crafted by specialized crafters. The best items available in shops are only A-grade; they can't go higher than that."

Mitchel Green: I honestly haven't seen A-grade items sold in Empiria shops.

Alexander Lewis: "Has anyone in WOTON managed to craft S-grade items so far?"

Jeremy Honeycutt suddenly recalls seeing Gabriella wearing a remarkable leaf dress when she invaded Jahim territory. However, he realizes that sharing this information publicly could put Gabriella in an unfavorable situation.

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