Chapter 5-6: The Blessing in disguise (Part-6)

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Five hours later, Gabriella presents in her chemistry class looking fresh, thanks to the cold shower that she took earlier this morning. The brisk water completely wakes her up.

Gabriella is no stranger to sleep deprivation and it has become her routine to have a cold shower whenever she feels drowsy. She usually spends a long hour at night cramming for the lesson she had earlier on the same day, but now, she spends her extra time playing games.

'I just need to endure it for six months...' She assures herself that her life will soon return to normal, while at the same time, trying to concentrate on today's topic, thermochemistry.

It has been an hour since Mrs. Fergusson explained this topic, but most of the students seem to have difficulty understanding it. Not to mention, her low-flat voice is like a lullaby that brings everyone to their dreams.

Everyone, except Gabriella Lopez, as 'the parasite,' she doesn't have the luxury to fall asleep during class. Her bright green eyes are focusing on Mrs. Fergusson's PowerPoint presentation, while her ear listens to Fergusson's hypnotizing words.

Gabriella knows since the first year that Mrs. Fergusson's class always ends up as a snooze fest, so she has a trick to tackle Fergusson's boring-endless explanation, which is to memorize only the keywords of her lecture, 'So, exothermic is the chemical reaction that produces heat, such as combustion, while endothermic is the reaction that absorbs heat, such as dissolving ammonium nitrate into water.'

Next to her, Jeremy Honeycutt is also paying full attention to the lecture, however, unlike Gabriella who just knew about the topic, Jeremy is already familiar with thermochemistry, since he likes to study everything a year ahead. Not to mention, chemistry is his favorite subject. No wonder in WOTON, Jeremy picked alchemy for his crafting skill, which enabled him to create potions.

Once in a while, Gabriella is stealing a glance at the timid boy, she is secretly admiring Jeremy's persistence to study, while doing so, she suddenly remembers she needs to ask Jeremy about the Dark River.

While on the other hand, the KFC-trio, Karen, Fanny, and Cindy are busy with their phones, ignoring the lectures completely.

Fanny Chamberlin is still shamelessly befriending her back-stabbing besties, as she sits close to Karen and Cindy during the class. By doing so, she hopes to maintain her 'VIP' social status in St. Martin.

Rajesh Singh who sits behind Fanny has already fallen asleep. Both he and Fanny were giving Gabriella a cold shoulder when they met in the hallway before the class began. They treated Gabriella as if she was a stranger.

Regardless, Gabriella doesn't seem to care anymore, because after last night, she has found a way to progress within the game by herself, by finishing quests from an NPC, 'I believe there are many hidden quests in Gardenia that can give experience points to level up...'

Suddenly the school bell rings which disturbs her from her thoughts.

She gasps when seeing Jeremy is about to go to his next class, 'Shoot! I remember we have different classes after this. Now is the only chance I can ask him about Dark River!'

The girl who wears a thick glass with messy wavy hair quickly stands up from her seat and runs hurriedly toward Jeremy, ignoring the killing stares from the KFC as she passes by.

Karen Anderson glances at Fanny soon after Gabriella goes away, "Is she the fairy that you're talking about?"

"Yeah..." Fanny replies, she pretends everything is normal between them, "she's such a loser, I think we won't see her again next year."

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