Chapter 13-2: The Evil Plot

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[System: Gardenia Kingdom: Hasan's pharmacy]

The sound of the bell's chime coming from the entrance door of his store instantly waken Hasan from his daydream, "Ah, you're back so soon!" the blond handsome elf man doesn't expect the fairy will finish the quest in two days. The herbs' root is sturdy and it will take quite some time to pull one off from the soil, and yet he requested 50 of them.

It has been a long day for the tinkering fairy and she is very exhausted. That's why she tries to cut conversation shorts and go straight to business.

Gabriella flies swiftly toward the cashier, opens her inventory, and puts the items on the counter table, "Here are 50 herbs that you've requested..." – [System: you submitted 50 herbal leaves to Hasan the pharmacist].

Hasan carefully inspects the herbal leaves, 'she cuts it pretty well so the leaves are in good condition...'

It only takes several minutes for the elf to finish inspecting all leaves and he admires her work, "You did well fairy, thank you..." he praises.

[System: congratulation, you have completed the first chain quest from Hasan the pharmacist. You gain 200 affinity points with Hasan and 100 exp points. You are now able to use Hasan's mini-lab to create potions].

'Thank God, now I finally can get some sleep!' she yawns, as her eyes grow heavy.

Hence, when she is about to log out, Hasan quickly stops her, "Wait, fairy, I need your help for another matter?" this time he is asking Gabriella much nicer.

'I think it's because my affinity with him has increased to 200 points...' she mutters, "yes, I'm all ears, Hasan," she genuinely hesitates to stay longer, but is afraid of missing out on an important side quest.

Hasan smiles, relieved that the fairy is willing to spare him some time – [System: Impressed by your works, Hasan is going to entrust all of his problems to you, are you willing to listen? Y/N]

She presses the 'Y' button without hesitation, 'is he going to give me more than one quest?'

The pharmacist cleans his throat before he explains what Gabriella needs to do, "While doing his daily task looking for herbs, my son was attacked by the goblin patrols; he managed to escape but one of that wretched creatures managed to slash his back, make him fall ill..." Hasan facial expression becomes stern as he tells his story; it is clear to Gabriella that he holds a grudge against the goblins, "Please kill those damn beasts for me!"

[Quest 1: Hasan wants you to avenge his son by killing 100 goblins patrol, will you accept this mission? Y/N. Rewards: 100 affinity points with Hasan; 100 experience points; 5 golds]

The fairy is aghast upon seeing the quest's reward, 'the exp is low, but the money... I mean 5 golds is a lot!' she tries to convert it with copper, 'That means 5 million coppers! With that money, I can buy more advanced patterns from Bertha!''

This lucrative opportunity wakes her up, 'I'm going to kill goblins for the main quest anyway, it's just killing 2 birds with one stone!' her eyes sparkle with hope as she agrees to do the quest – 'Y'

"Thank you fairy..." he sighs, "now, since you already learned basic herbology, why don't you put your skill to good use by making an antidote from the herbal leaves you just collected..."

[Quest 2: Hasan requests to make a C-grade antidote to cure his sick son, will you accept this task? Y/N. rewards: 200 affinity points; 50 experience points, 1 gold]

Yet, the fairy has no reason to refuse and press the 'Y' button.

"Good, you can use the tools over there to create the antidote" — he points out the simple mini lab located behind his store, there are messy tables with simple laboratory equipment on top, such as bunsen burners, coriander, brewer pot, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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