Chapter 5-9: The Blessing in Disguise (Part-9)

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After school hours have finished, without wasting any time, Gabriella strides toward her room and quickly enters the sleeping pod, 'I need to finish this freaking quest before sunset!' She reminds herself, afraid that she will face players from the Jahim Kingdom.

Soon after the pod closes, a green orb appears and greets her, "Hello Gabriella, are you ready for an exciting adventure?"

"Yes, I need to log in, quick!" she screams while looking at the digital clock on the bottom right of the window screen which shows 3.00 pm, 'shoot! I only have three hours left!'

"Geez, what is wrong with you? I'm just trying to be friendly..." Sara complains, and the AI seems to be offended by Gabriella's rude behavior, "guess what, I won't let you in before you apologize!"

"Are you kidding me?" Gabriella's eyes are wide-opened, hence soon she remembers that the AI has been updated to mimic human emotions, "Fine, I am sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I'm just in a hurry cos I need to reach Jahim kingdom before sunset?"

"Why don't you say so?" Sara's tone returns to be friendly, "good luck!"

In a few seconds, she feels a stinging sensation from the back of her neck and then suddenly awakes on the summoning portal inside the Gardenia Kingdom.

A blue window suddenly pops up, mentions where is Gabriella at the moment,

[System: the Gardenia Kingdom, Civilization Lv-1]

'I wished Sara was just a normal AI...' she sighs while her eyes wander around, seeking the main exit of the Kingdom, 'Since the summoning portal is located near the water fountain, precisely in the center of the kingdom, I just need to go straight to the south from here to reach the main gate...'

But before she goes, she catches a reflection of herself on the water fountain, wearing an ugly brown-tattered dress that she keeps wearing since the first day in WOTON. It reminds her of the new dress that she made yesterday.

'Oh... that's right, I think I made extra for myself!' She opens the player menu and clicks the bag icon which states for the inventory, 'there she is!' she presses the dress icon among other items that are arranged neatly inside the grids, 'I guess I was too sleepy back then, I even forgot to equip this leaf dress.'

Instantly, yellow light emits from her body as her old clothes shifted into the new one and to her surprise, it fits her perfectly, 'Holly gamolly, is that me?' she gasps to see her own reflection on the water, she pinches her cheek, and feels the pain, 'This is not a dream, I become freaking cute–well even though it is inside the game... but who cares! It still feels so amazing to be pretty!'

For a brief second, she forgets about her priority and keeps admiring her reflection in the water fountain. The one-strap leaf dress hugs her body impeccably and since she has reached her ideal weight, there is no cellulite shown on her. Since it is an S-grade dress embroidered with three wind-elemental stones around her neckline, it emits a green light.

[System: Positive status from S-simple fairy dress is now active: lightweight <reduce 5% of player weight> and wind protection <reduce 5% damage from wind-elemental attack>]

Attracted by the light coming from Gabriella's dress, an elven NPC boy keeps staring at her and Gabriella notices it, "Hey! What are you looking at, boy? Never seen a hot fairy before!"

The boy seems to be scared of Gabriella, he straightaway runs toward his mom and cries, 'look at that boy cower before my beauty... beauty is power!' The fairy giggles to witness the boy run away from her, 'Now I know how the KFC girls are feeling all this time...'

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