Chapter 11 The Trauma

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There was an unfortunate event that happened in New Mexico ten years ago when a devastating forest fire ravaged everything in its path. The land, already hot and dry, became a catalyst for the fire's ignition. Fueled by the wind, the flames spread rapidly, leaving many families homeless. Among them was Gabriella Lopez's family, and the traumatic experience of that fire still haunts her to this very day.

On that day, the six-year-old Gabriella found herself caught in the chaos as the flames engulfed her home, reducing it to ashes. As she followed her mother, Maria Lopez, in a desperate attempt to escape, a sudden realization struck her. She had left something precious behind.

"Gabriella, what are you doing? Run here quickly!" Maria screamed in panic from the entrance of their burning house. She had noticed Gabriella's absence and was now filled with worry.

Tears streaming down her face, Gabriella pleaded, "But Mommy, Mr. Fluffy is still in my room." She was referring to the beloved Teddy bear her mother had handmade for her.

Maria's heart sank. She knew time was of the essence, but she couldn't bear to see Gabriella without her cherished companion. But she knew that her priority was to survive.

"We don't have time for that, dear! We need to get out!" Maria exclaimed, trying to convince Gabriella to leave the burning house.

But the little girl's insistence was unwavering. She believed Mr. Fluffy was more than just a toy; he was her friend and provided comfort in times of distress.

With a heavy sigh, Maria made a split-second decision, she put Gabriella to safety in the front yard and then ventured back into the raging inferno.

The flames licked at Maria's skin, leaving painful burns in their wake. The acrid smoke filled her lungs, making each breath a struggle. But driven by a mother's love and the desire to protect her daughter's happiness, Maria pushed forward. Through the haze of smoke and tears, she searched for Gabriella's room.

Finally, Maria's hand closed around the familiar softness of Mr. Fluffy. Holding the precious Teddy bear tightly, she made her way back outside, her strength waning. As she handed Mr. Fluffy to Gabriella, exhaustion and the effects of the fire overwhelmed her. With a weak smile, Maria collapsed onto the ground.

Gabriella's cries echoed through the air, calling Maria to wake while watching paramedics rush to her mother's side. They quickly loaded Maria onto a stretcher and whisked her away to the hospital. Gabriella clung tightly to Mr. Fluffy, overwhelmed with guilt for the accident that had befallen her mother.


Following Jeremy Honeycut's advice, on the following day, Kyle Adam switches his alliance to Gardenia kingdom, 'the land of hot elven babes, here I come!' he giggles as the AI assesses his physical attributes and assigns him a job. With a constitution score of 100, Kyle chooses to become an Elven Guardian, the most durable class in Gardenia kingdom, the similar role that he took in Jahim kingdom-zombie butcher.

"Ahhh!" he screams as the pointy needle stabs onto his neck, 'I'll never get used to that!'

As Kyle arrives at a vast grass field just outside the Gardenia Kingdom, he hears the scream of a distressed voice. 'Could it be a damsel in distress in need of my help?' he ponders, turning his head to locate the source. To his surprise, it's none other than Gabriella Lopez.

Observing Gabriella being cornered by a swarm of aggressive rabbits, Kyle springs into action, 'How can a small girl like her fight a bunch of rabbits alone!' He thinks while running to save the little fairy, and activating his second skill–the angry knock, hitting his wooden hammer to his shield, Kyle manages to divert the rabbits' attention towards himself.

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