5 - Worlds Collide (1/3)

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!! Trigger Warning: Homophobia, Bullying !!


Whisper. Whisper.

Whisper. Whisper. Whisper.

I'd never spent much thought on the moment when I'd leave the shadows and step into the light, but if I had, I certainly wouldn't have expected it to blind me like a wave of searchlights.

Clay hadn't exaggerated when saying that his boys would watch my every move. Most of them kept their distance, quietly following me like shadows in the hallways. Whenever our eyes met, there was guilt written all over their faces for a brief moment before they averted their gazes. They were not the reason why my fellow students began to take notice of me. The reason was a tall lanky boy with angel-like curls and square-framed glasses that were too big for his slim face.

I'd been aware that we were in the same art class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, but I'd never talked to Gage Evans before. Trying to describe his personality would take hours, so let's just say that he was...not what I'd expected.


I didn't know whose eyes were bigger — mine or those of all other students in our art class — when Gage Evans chose the vacant chair next to mine to put the final touches to his comic adaptation.

He returned my startled look with a wide grin. "Cap told me you that need a babysitter. Pleasure" He placed a pale hand on his chest. "Gage Bartholomew Evans the First. But you can call me Evans, Kenji-boy."

I nodded.

Hey, I was still me.

Evans didn't seem to mind. On the contrary, he was talking all class long and even Mr. Devereux telling him to be quiet didn't stop the words coming from his mouth. He just rolled his green eyes and went on talking - just a bit more quietly. Naturally, he didn't get anything done during this lesson. As far as I could tell, he hadn't even finished his layout whereas most students had already started coloring their pages. Well, I chuckled, another reason for his lack of motivation might've been that he had to make a comic about Dirty Dancing.

"Holy cow!" I had just finished packing my things when Evans peeked over my shoulder at my drawing. "Dude, that's amazing!" He regarded the picture of Maverick prosing in front of his jet. "No clue what movie that is — I'm not that much into Mr. D's classics — but it looks awesome!"

I murmured "Thanks" and closed the lid on my art folder before handing it over to Mr. Devereux when leaving the classroom.

"Kenji." His smile made the wrinkles around his eyes stand out even more prominently. "Did you think about my suggestion? I'm sure the editing team would be delighted to meet you."

I could literally see Evans's ears grow bigger.

Lowering my gaze, I tugged at my hoodie's sleeve. "Not yet, sir. I don't know if I have time for..."

"Sure, sure, but please think about it. Don't refuse it right away, will you? You're very talented; don't let it go to waste."

A long slim arm went around my shoulders, pushing me towards the exit. "He's right, Kenji-boy!" Evans exclaimed and messed up my hair with his left hand. Unlike when Clay had touched me, it didn't bother me with Evans. I assumed it was because he hadn't been there on Friday. Over and over again, he'd reassured me of this...right before telling me many other things... Some that were quite interesting - like him getting two offers for scholarships for being an extraordinary winger - and some things I really didn't wanna know - like the spot of his new piercing that had gotten inflamed.

Oh Boy! (BL)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin