26 - Kiss And Make Up (2/3)

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Motel room number 23 was narrow and smelled of cigarettes and substances I didn't even wanna think about. The old-fashioned flower wallpaper had turned yellow-ish brown over the years and had bleached out by the sun. In the corners of the walls, parts of the concrete walls below glanced through the rigged paper. The inventory was a mix of seventies hardwood furniture and IKEA replacements here and there. I could only assume how much of the original interior had already been destroyed by the usual occupants of this shady room. An old vase-like lamp that was standing on the small bedside table in between two twin beds was the only source of light. But its lampshade was of such a dark beige color that I had trouble seeing clearly in the dark.

I went past Clay, who was closing the door behind us, and looked around the room. Clay's sports bag was sitting on the grey blanket of the bed next to the window, its zipper standing wide open so that the trophy fit inside. Staring at the shiny golden soccer player on its top reactivated the sting in my heart somehow.

"I'm sorry." Clay leaned his back against the door and did what was usually my habit; his eyes – those confident beautiful eyes – stuck to the ground. "What I said on the phone...when she kissed me...I..."

Seeing him like that - tortured and sad on a day he was supposed to do nothing but celebrate - my jealousy disappeared. I glanced at the trophy right before going over to where Clay was standing. Not hesitating any longer, I took his trembling hand and placed it on my chest right over where my heart was beating. "I care."

He pressed his eyes together, not even trying to hide the pain he was in. "Of course, you do, I didn't mean..."

I put a finger on his lips. "I care, Clay. But I trust you." My hand wandered to his cheeks and for once it was me who lifted his face until he opened his lids until I could meet his silver gaze. "I know you didn't want that. You'd never do this to me."

He searched my face. "Never," he promised in a hoarse voice. "I swear."

I smiled and it was balm for my soul to see how the pain on his face slowly turned into an open smile that was meant for me alone.

"We're good?" He asked and a shy blush covered his cheeks.

I bit my lip; there was still something I had to do. "Well...almost."

Clay made wide eyes when I reached for the fabric of his white T-shirt and got on my tiptoes at the same time I was pulling him towards me. "Wh..."

I swallowed his confusion with my mouth in a short and impatient kiss that was long overdue. "You won!"

Clay needed a moment to collect his thoughts, but then he chuckled and pulled me close to his body. "Yeah, we won."

"That's awesome!"

"You're awesome." He breathed a feather-light kiss on my hair before hiding his face in it. "You'll never have to worry that I leave you for somebody else."

I looked down.

"Why don't you believe me?"

I shrugged. "Never is a long time, you know..."

I had to think about how much Lady Lad had almost sacrificed to ensure Fynn would live his dream. Would there be a time when I had to make a decision like that? I was afraid of the answer to that question.

"Ken, look at me." When I didn't obey, he lifted my chin with gentle hands. "You're the most amazing person I've ever met. You're always there when people need you. You're still smiling no matter what happens and what you do for your mom...you're so brave, Ken. And you never ask for anything."

I never asked for anything?

No, I didn't ask him to be part of that stupid deal I'd had with Holland. I'd just used him.

I closed my eyes. I couldn't keep this up, not when he was looking at me with tender eyes that were exposing his feelings to me. He had to know about the deal, even if it was long over. "Clay, I need to tell you something..."

"No matter what it is," He held me tightly. "Can I kiss you first?"

How could I say no to a kiss?

"Okay," I whispered.

"Thank you," he breathed against my skin. His tender fingers traced my face and lifted it until his lips caressed mine. He was moving slowly as if he experienced my mouth for the first time again. Every inch of my lips was explored and loved and when he leaned into me, I welcomed everything he would give my starving heart. Clay's touch was tender when his fingers caressed a path from my jaws to my nape.

"Ken..." The tip of his tongue traced my lower lip.

I sighed. "We have to stop."

"Not yet." He pulled me closer. "That's what I wanted to do ever since I saw you on the field." He kissed me again.

"But the others will hear!" I panted; though, stopping was the last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to kiss him all night long so that, when I told him about Holland, he might not end up hating me.

"No, they won't." Clay let his tongue glide in between my lips. Moaning I welcomed him and pressed my body against his chest. This close to him, I could feel how much he wanted me...and he could feel my desire for him.

"God, you're driving me crazy." He growled out of breath.


I froze when a TV turned on. Not in our room, though. "Clay...next door..."

He looked me in the eye. "An elderly couple is staying in the room next door. And the janitor's office is below us. I doubt that he'll mind."

"You mean..."

His lips crashed down on mine when he conquered my mouth again. More impatiently this time, he pushed his tongue past my lips, and I was moaning when trying to keep up with his pace. I shivered when he let his hands roam my body; from my shoulders to my back and lower. I jumped when the mischievous little devil on his shoulder told him to pinch my butt. "Hey!"

He chuckled. "Worth it, baby. So" He leaned his forehead against mine and our heated gazes met. "so worth it. Just...like this."

I squeaked when those cocky hands grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me off the ground. "Clay! What..." I clung to his neck. Given that I pressed my chest against his face, I doubted that he could even breathe, less answer me. Clay laughed right into my chest, and didn't that sound make my heart flutter? "Idiot," I mumbled right before loosening my grip only so much that Clay could turn his face.

My wonderful boyfriend carried me past the bathroom door and the stuffy wardrobe until Clay's knees bumped against the side of the bed that was closest to the door. I cried out when he lost his balance. We landed on the old feather core mattress that screeched under our weight, but none of us could be bothered. Clay shivered when I allowed my hands to slip under the fabric of his white tee and let them wander over his velvet chest. I could feel every up and down of his carefully shaped muscles below his satin skin, and let my fingers linger over the fast pounding of his heart. With hooded eyes, I looked up at my boyfriend who had closed his eyes, his breath going unevenly.

My fingers trembled when they wandered to his hard nipples. Clay shuddered and when his eyes finally flipped open, he used one hand to push away my bangs to reveal my ice-blue eye.

"Don't," he whispered when I closed my eye on instinct. "Let me see you, Ken."

No more thinking.

Slowly I opened my eye to find his tender gaze.

No regrets. 

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