17 - Rain and Sunshine (1/3)

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November 2010

"Kenji-boyyy, why did ya run away? Let Uncle Evans *hic* explain!"


"Hey, Ken. It's Kenner. You know, Shane Kenner. We're looking everywhere for you. Please call me back, okay?"


"Hey, boss, I've just found your notepad. Where are you?"

"Please, let me explain. We just...God, I'm so sorry. Please, pick up the phone."

"Hi, boss, it's me, AOL. We wanted to meet in WizQ tonight, didn't we? And Golden sent all of us a strange message, so...I just wanted to hear if you're okay."

"Ken, it's me again. We're seriously worried. I was at the hospital, but they said you're not there, so... get in touch with anyone, no matter who, okay? AOL also tried calling you."

"Hey, Ken...I hope you're doing okay. I...anyway, happy birthday...I'll be waiting in front of the cinema...just in case..."

Sighing I put my new phone down on the desk. There were dozens of messages like that on my voice mail. Worried messages, apologetic messages, and messages that had no content at all. It had been a mistake listening to them all. I wouldn't reply anyway, at least not to those who didn't belong to my guild - not to Evans, not to Kenner, certainly not to Clay. Hearing their oh-so-worried voices had only one effect on me: They made me wanna gag.

No, I straightened my spine, I had to leave that part of my life behind me. Going back to normal was the only plan I could think of that would help me take care of my mom.

I thought of the doctor's words. "I'll become a son she can be proud of," I murmured while taking out a sheet of paper to make a plan. I would keep my distance from the Thunderbirds from now on. I was safe at school now, and I had already some ideas about how to take care of myself on my way home. Drake wouldn't get me, even if I was on my own. At the top of the list, however, was the most difficult and most embarrassing part: I needed to ask Matt for money.

It would be the first thing I'd do when starting my shift tomorrow afternoon. No matter how terrified I was of his answer or the questions he might ask. How did you pay the bills until now? You did what?!

I shivered.

The second point on the list was a vow – a vow to cherish the few real friends I had. And I would start with that right now. Though real did not necessarily refer to RL. The warm feeling of familiarity that I'd felt watching Clara play on her laptop didn't kick in when the golden WizQ-logo appeared in the center of my PC's screen. I wasn't pumped for a quest, or a fight like I usually was. Instead, I was nervous.

It didn't help that there were a gazillion of new messages in my personal mailbox.

Gulping, I switched my account status to ghost so that no other players would notice that I was online. I was too afraid that one of my friends would suddenly log into the game and wanted to chat with me. No one was online right now, and with concern, I noticed that I hadn't been the only member missing for two weeks. The guild register told me that Defender's account had last been logged in the Friday before...that day. But he wrote a message in his status telling us that he had to focus on stuff right now. I hoped he was okay.

Hovering with the cursor lingering over the notification sign, I was wondering what my guildmates had texted me now that they knew that I wasn't the confident leader they wanted me to be. I'd find the answer in the thirty-one messages waiting for me.

Cooper had been the first to text me one day after the party. Basically, it was the same message I'd already listened to on my voicemail. Hey, boss, I've found your notepad on my windshield. Where are you? Or...just tell me if you're okay. When I didn't reply the following two days, he posted a message into the group chat, asking our guildmates to try and get in touch with me. It was the day I received most messages in my PM and tears shot into my eyes when reading how concerned they were for me. Cooper's messages didn't stop either. Only minutes after he'd posted into the group chat, he sent me another private message.

It was an apology. Gosh, boss, I'm so goddamn sorry for taking you to that stupid party. Kenner told me...I mean he told me what you must've overheard in the garden. I don't even know what to say...but if you're avoiding school because of those pricks, don't. I'll stay by your side in every break even if I have to run across the entire school grounds. And I'll take you home, so Drake won't get you. I'll do anything...just come back.

I closed my eyes, quietly thanking him for reading my mind. Sure, the Thunderbirds were not the only reason I hadn't been in school, but that didn't change that I didn't wanna see any of them ever again.

Five of my six guildmates had texted me throughout the two weeks I'd been missing — more than once — and offered me their help. My face blanched when AOL announced that he'd call the police one week after Cooper had messaged them but then I halted. Why hadn't he?

I scrolled through the encouraging messages of my mates until I stopped at one of Clover's messages to all of us. I know where he is. He looks really tired, but he's okay.

And for once even Horny didn't react to the fact that another guildmate had gotten in touch with me. Instead, his message made the tears that were already shining in my eyes flood over my cheeks. Give him a hug from all of us. We need him. And if he needs us, we'll be there.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment. Never had I appreciated these people more than I did at this moment. No, not people. Friends.

I didn't reply to every single message.

But I sent a message to each one of my friends.

Even if it was just a simple "Thank you."

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