26 - Kiss And Make Up (3/3)

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"You should've told me you were coming to watch the game," Clay whispered against my heated skin when he traveled down the length of my neck with his lips. Just like last time, his clothes had gone off far more easily and I was graced with the sight of his sixpack while I had only taken off my jacket. "I would've given it my all."

"Your all?" I blinked. "But you were fantastic!"

He laughed roughly and his breath painted goosebumps onto my skin. "You're good for my ego."

And you're good for my heart, I thought while caressing his auburn hair. My gaze traveled down his sinful body and my hand twitched, eager to touch him. Of course, Clay noticed.

"Your gaze is so hot." His soft lips were touching my ear shortly before he took my hand and placed it on his tanned chest. "You feel that?"

His heart was pounding rapidly below his skin, matching the rhythm of my own.

"That's what you do to me, Ken."

"Wait!" I exclaimed when he leaned in again.

He lifted his brows. But I had a plan.

Lifting my back from the bed, I slipped out of my t-shirt - well aware of his burning gaze. Unlike him, my body was pale and flat, with no muscles, no sexy line of hair leading into my pants. And yet, Clay stared at me as if he'd just found a hidden treasure.

He came for me the minute my shirt hit the ground and covered my virgin skin in love bites. I whimpered when he let his tongue glide over my nipple and hissed when he lay down on top of me. I pressed one hand to my lips to cover the unstoppable moans that escaped my mouth.

Clay took his time discovering all the unexplored places of my upper body with his talented mouth and his hands. I closed my eyes when Clay halted. I knew what he was staring at. His fingers glid carefully over the spot where an almost-four-year-old scar formed an uneven trace over my left side where my broken rib had pushed through my skin. Then, his hand moved up to the knife wound that was slowly turning into an eternal mark on my body. So much ugliness was fully exposed to his eyes.

I winced when something soft touched my bruised skin, and it took some time before I realized that he was kissing my scars.

"Y...you don't have to do that," I mumbled and tried pushing him away.

Clay lifted his gaze. "Does it hurt?"

Gulping, I shook my head.

"Then trust me."

"Yes," I wanted to say, but when his thigh accidentally brushed over the lower half of my erect body, the only sound leaving my mouth was an agonized hiss that made Clay blink in surprise.

"Did you just..."

Oh, heavens, kill me, I thought while hiding my super red face behind my hands. I wanted to die of embarrassment, and it was just so unfair that my treacherous body felt so good at the same time.

When Clay chuckled, I wasn't even surprised. But his next words were taking me off guard. "Like I said. You're good for my ego."

I lowered my hands from my face to look into his dancing eyes. "You're not mad?"

"Mad?" He blinked. "Why would I be mad?"

"Well, because I..." Lost for words I pointed to the lower part of my body.

Clay lifted his hand and nudged the tip of my nose with his index finger – could he get any cuter? "I just made my boyfriend feel so good that he came. I don't see anything to be mad about, baby." He drew in his brows. "Don't tell me your exes got mad at you when you came before them."

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