27 - Complications (1/3)

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"Hey, sleepyhead, wake up." With one hand on my shoulder, Cooper shook me out of my morning nap.

"Huh?" Yawning heavily on the shotgun seat, I stretched my stiff limbs.

"We're here."

Oh. I blinked my tiredness away. He was right, sometime during my nap, we'd reached our school building. Somehow the drive back home had been much shorter than I thought it would be. Well...I might've slept during most of the ride. "What time is it?"

"Seven fifty-five." Cooper snickered. "Who would've thought that you'd get laid on our first road trip together?"

I blushed. "Jerk."

He laughed. "O-M-G! So, you did get laid!" Dramatically, he put one hand over his heart. "I'm so proud of you, my son."

"You sound like Horny7." Snorting I grabbed the handle of my backpack. "We're going to be late."

We left the car and entered a shower of pouring November rain, but even that couldn't wash the smile off my face. Not when I'd woken up in Clay's arm, welcoming the day by looking into his smiling face. Yes, he'd smiled in his sleep.

The atmosphere at our school was pumped. A crowd of students had gathered in front of the building, eagerly waiting to welcome their heroes, and no one seemed to care when the school bells rang. From our spot among the cheering crowd, Cooper lifted his camera when the black coach drove around the corner.

The door hissed when the bus driver disabled the lock but because there were so many people who wanted to get closer to the action, that was about the only thing I could see. At least until they formed a trellis for the soccer players to pass through. Evans was the first one to jump out of the bus. Waving like a princess, he made his way to the school building, where he received plushies and love letters on the go. One after the other, his fellow teammates followed him. Clay was the last one to leave the vehicle. He literally beamed while carrying the three-story trophy into the school building.

"Mhmm," Cooper chuckled. "Prescott looks so relaxed."

I nudged him in the side. "I gotta head to my English class." Not even trying to hide my smile, I pushed my hands in the pockets of my jacket and went inside.

"Holy Mary and Joseph! People are going crazy!" During our lunch break, Cooper fell onto the bench next to me. His tray jumped when he let it fall onto the table. "That's worse than a black Friday sale at the mall."

I twirled the spaghetti in its grey-ish red tomato sauce on my plate. "But the cafeteria is half empty."

"Tsk, not here! Whenever you're around the Thunderbirds!" He lifted his camera and asked me to look at the screen. "It's crazy!"

Confused, I regarded the blurry mass. "What's that?"

"The welcome photo! This is the best shot I got because those crazy girls kept bumping into me!"

I chuckled.

"Ha, ha. Not funny!" He growled and rammed his fork into his own portion of spaghetti. "At least, yesterday's pictures have turned out great. Oh, and here!"

He pushed a note towards me.

I regarded the numbers. "Huh?"

"That's Fynn's WizQ ID." He lifted one brow. "You invited him? He's the first newbie since Clover."

I shrugged. "Better he joins us than the sentinels." I slipped the note into my pocket. "How did you get that?"

He chewed. "I know someone, who knows someone...you know."

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