15 - Should've Known Better (3/3)

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!! Trigger Warning: Homophobia, Bullying, Underage Drinking of Alcohol !!

"...t's g...er...ere!"

"WHAT?" I yelled at Cooper, battling against the heavy beats coming from the speakers.

"I SAID: LET'S GO OVER THERE!" Cooper yelled into my ear and pointed at a small corridor next to the spiral staircase that looked like a futuristic aquarium with its illuminated turquoise glass steps.

I'd never spent much thought about what Gregg Logan's house would look like. I mean, I'd never thought I'd ever set foot anywhere close to his home. As our school's quarterback, he was about half an inch behind Clay in the hierarchy of popularity. I'd never had a class with him, had probably seen the tall athlete once or twice in the hallway when he wasn't surrounded by his fans. Honestly, if I met him here tonight, I would probably not recognize him at all. But I did know his reputation. Everything I'd ever heard was that he threw the hottest parties of our high school. Everyone wanted to get invited. Everyone wanted to be here. Everyone...except for me.

It was horrible.

Fighting our way through the huge glass villa full of dancing teenagers was already difficult enough, how in the world were we supposed to interview people? Halloween decorations were all over the place, more than once did I get stuck in a fake spiderweb and had to avoid bumping into adolescents wearing the strangest kinds of costumes. It was torture, but Cooper seemed at ease. While I was busy avoiding the dancing bodies, Cooper mingled with them. He was dancing, laughing, and grinning widely whenever one of the girls ogled his body. Wearing a grey dress shirt, black jeans, and a Dracula-style cape, he fit right in. His blonde hair was elegantly styled back, and he'd flash his vampire fangs to lure the dancing girls to his side.

However, if they saw me following him, they hurried to look away.

Guess what I was wearing...

Feeling like a dodgeball in between the dancing bodies I was pushed from left to right and back again. One of the many witches hit me right in the belly with her broom and my shoulder was aching after only a couple of minutes – and we hadn't even left the entrance hallway.

"What happens if the cops show up?" I wondered to myself when I avoided being showered in beer by a hair. No one here was of age, no one was allowed to drink alcohol.

Moving with the crowd came in naturally for Cooper. Time and again he'd shake hands with someone and chatted casually with them. I had no clue where we were heading and just followed him like a puppy. He took pictures, I took notes - of everything and anything that might be interesting for our readers. It probably looked weird. I held the notepad in my right hand that was immobilized since my arm was still in a sling and used my left hand to write as clumsily as a toddler on the yellow pages. Hopefully, people thought that this was some kind of weird costume.

"Ew, what's the mutt doing here?" A tall redhead shoved me to the side, and I barely managed to avoid banging into the wall.

"Not cool, Susan," said Cooper darkly and put one hand on my back. "You okay?"

I nodded and let him guide me through the crowd.

"Finally," Cooper announced with a wide grin on his white-painted face.

My eyes grew wide when we reached the living room of the size of a football field. Its interior was luxurious and bigger than my entire apartment. But what made my mouth fall open was the view at the huge lit-up pool deck. The tall glass doors leading outside were wide open and the party guests took a run-up from the living room before jumping right into a pool that was so huge, I couldn't even see the other end.

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