25 - Like Acid In My Veins (1/3)

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It burned. Slowly and painfully an acid-like feeling ran through my body. My eyes that were forced to witness how Holland's smeary pink lipstick touched what had been mine mere days ago, began to sting with unshed tears of wrath. The feeling crawled its way from my burning eyes to my heart that ached as if it had been stabbed with a rusty knife. I knew Clay didn't want this, saw it in the way he drew in his brows and stiffened the moment Holland's lips touched his. The kiss couldn't have lasted more than two seconds before Clay pulled back his head and left Holland kissing the air in between them. But it was, nevertheless, a kiss. Holland's poisonous lips had touched his. They left a mark of pink on Clay. They had been touching what was mine.

And yet...I couldn't do anything to stop her.

Not without telling hundreds of people what there really was between me and him.

When Clay pulled back abruptly, Holland chuckled and twirled her blonde ponytail as if she hadn't just crossed a line. She probably didn't even think much about it.

I balled my hands into fists. That bitch!

Clay was trembling in rage. The frown on his face was paired with clenched teeth and obvious anger running through his mind. I knew he was trying to catch his temper and when his silver eyes roamed the surroundings to distract him, our eyes met. All the color left his face when he saw me standing among the other fans cheering and staring at him and Holland - the so-called "power couple" of our high school.

Exhausted from my own jealousy, I stopped fighting against the flow of people and let myself get carried away with the crowd. Only after the brightly illuminated sports ground was out of my sight did I manage to escape to a solitary bench next to a building which – I crumbled my nose – contained the public restrooms. Yeah, whatever. The mood was much more leveled over here; little surprising, as most people were dressed in the home team's crimson jersey.

Some of them tried smiling but failed.

And then...there were Lynn and Sophia.

"Oh, how cool! WizQ!"

Roughly, someone pulled me back at my jacket until I almost fell off the bench. Two of Maple Leaf's cheerleaders stared at the huge WizQ logo on my back with eyes that were encircled with smeary mascara. I'd never met them before, yet somehow, I ended up as the center of their attention.

"You play?", asked the brunette and beamed at me with her super blue eyes.

"Um...yeah," I mumbled.

She exchanged glances with her dirty blonde friend. "We, too!"

"W...what?" Two cheerleaders who played WizQ? I never thought I'd live to see that day.

Could it be....

No, that would've been one hell of a coincidence.

I turned my full attention to them. "Does one of you happen to be called Lady Lad? In WizQ, I mean."

The dark blonde girl lifted one eyebrow. "Gosh, no! What a horrible name. I'm TinkRBell and this is PepperBee."

Never heard of them before.

"We're from the blue sentinels."

"The blue sentinels?" I hid my proud smirk.

Oops. Though...I shouldn't have been that surprised to meet at least some of the sentinels here since they were an exclusive group that only accepted Maple Leaf High students into their guild.

"You know our guild?" They squeaked, oblivious to the fact that it had been my guildmates who wiped the floor with them mere weeks ago.

Sophia bit her lip. "Are you part of the sentinels?"

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