Chapter One:The Dinner Party ☕️

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Rumor spreads faster than truth. But in this case, word spread fast that Kroyme Vlander Iliad had been murdered. Unlikely for someone like him to die. Usually the only murders that occur are by protesters used in war. When the police came to check his house, for a neighbor had called to hear suspicious yells in the middle of the night, they found him dead on the floor. With the book of Iliad missing. Of course they mourned the loss of a famed philosopher, but people were more rushed about where the book had gone. The only one who could find the book would have to have a keen sense of the world around him.
About 60 miles northwest, was a castle. And in that lived the elvish King Barnabas and his wife Queen Plian. Happened to be the most quaint of royalty. They ruled there kingdom with great pride. They had only one child, and his name was Jacob. Jacob happened to be the unfit person to be crowned king. Jacob was charming and handsome young man, about 14. He had white hair that always stood up.Of course he had much to learn, but still had enough sense to figure his actions. Jacob practically lived outside the castle and never saw his parents. He made friends with everyone and found the goodness in every one no matter how wicked.
On a chilly Saturday morning, Jacob turned from his bed to face the window. The sun caught his eyes ever so perfectly it hit them. He jumped out, throw on his afternoon clothes and boots, and ran the 70 steps it took to get to the front gate of the castle. He walked out of the castle and wondered through the forest, hoping to run into someone. He felt something hit his head. He felt it again. He noticed it was a acorn and looked up to see where it was coming from. He some one in the trees. It jumped from the branch of the tree on a dirt road. Jacob noticed it was a friend of his, Welk.
Welk was also a prince, yet being the fifth child out of five he never cared about being King. Welk came from the dwarf kingdom, yet he did not look like a ugly dwarf. Welk was well built, handsome and had thick black hair that was spiked up.
"Where you off today?" He asked Jacob.
"Just off to visit an old friend." Jacob said with a smirk on his face.
"Mind if I tag along?" Welk asked.
"Sure." Jacob said while look at his bare feet that were covered in mud and leaves.

They walked about another mile in dead silence kicking at the leaves and the twigs below them. They finally came upon a small hole in the ground. The hole had a single wooden door. Jacob knocked on the door and after one minute there came a loud CRASH and the sound of glass breaking. The person inside started to frustrate and opened the door. Out of the hole popped a girl. The girl had blonde hair that was braided into four pigtails. The rest of her hair was frizzy with almost anything you can think of in it, twigs, rocks, and an occasional bird. She wore a silver crown on the top of her head and brown and green dress that was made from silk. This girl's name was Mila.
"How are you Mila?" Asked Jacob.
"Same old boring life, come in." She said.
Now, you make think that because she lived in a hole, it was dirty and muddy, but quite the opposite. She had bits of furniture here and there, a mountain of books she had no place to put, and a warm fire place that was still roasting. The moment they came in, Jacob and Welk noticed that books and plates were flying through the air, but they were not worried for that normally happened.
Mila was a witch, and for all she knew she had those powers since birth. She ran away from home when she was young and very little talks about her family. She sharpened a stick of wood and called it her wand, she put a spell on it to command to its every whim and conduct every spell ever asked.
"Would you like tea?" She asked.
"Yes." They both answered.
She waved her wand at the stove, and the teapot came floating over, she waved her wand at the cupboard and two cups and plates came from the ceiling. She poured the tea and gave each one to them.
"So," she paused to take a sip of her tea,"did you hear the news about Kroyme Vlander Iliad?"
"What?" Welk asked.
"He was murdered and the book he wrote, the book of's missing."
"Isn't anyone looking for it?"
"No, The police say that they found trace of Admers at the scene."
"What are........" He stopped speaking and began to smell a strong smell of onions.
"Smells good, are you cooking dinner?" He asked.
"DINNER!" Jacob yelled. "I completely forgot!"
"What?" They asked.
But he had no time to answer for he was already out the door on his way back to the castle.

Back at the castle, Jacob rushed to the door and knocked on it. His favorite butler, Ibel answered the door. He had a late again I see look on his face. Jacob shrugged and walked towards the great hall.
The doors to the great hall opened for the crowd to see Prince Jacob covered in mud and leaves, tracking dirt behind him, with really bad bed hair.
King Barnabas was having the a council meeting of the elvish committee and hoping to have Jacob there to make a good impression for the new elvish King. By the moment he sat down the meeting was over, his father looked at him frustrated.
"Where were you?" His father yelled at him.
"I just took a walk in the forest."
"Your mother and I planned this meeting for three months!"
"I know I'm sorry."
"Sorry doesn't cut it young man, if you....."
His mother cut him off. "I think what your father is trying to say, is that there is no problem with you having your freedom, as long as you are responsible for your royal duties. So your father and I have set up restance with the King of Marstead. You are to be given a quest."

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