Chapter Nine: The Flight of the Peradri

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Once again, they were abandoned and walking to nowhere. They were covered in hay, mud and sweat and Jacob decided to climb a hill to see where they were.
Soon Welk came upon a small chirping sound.
"Did you hear that?" He asked.
"Yeah, what is that?" Mila asked.
"I don't know." He said trying to follow the sound.
They followed the constant chirping sound into a crowded alley made of trees. They stopped at a peculiar thorn bush. They realized that that was the place of the chirping.
Welk saw it was a small bird that had its wing stuck in a thorn. He clipped the branch from the wing but the bird still had pain and couldn't fly. Mila healed it with her magic and the bird soon was flying.
After Mila had fixed the wing, the bird soon transformed into a ginormous horse, but kept the head of the bird. It grew horns and wings about a yard long.
"What is that?"Welk asked.
"That is Peradri." Said Mila "Peradris are creatures that take the from of birds. It also says that it is very loyal." She said.
Jacob walked up the Peradri and looked it in the eyes. He grabbed its horns and climbed onto its back. He held out his hand to Mila and Welk. They grabbed on the creature and soon they were in the air.
The mighty creature flapped its wings. Huge gusts of wind came flying about and in a matter or seconds they were in the air.
They flew through the clouds and in spirals. The wind was cold and damp on their faces which made the flight more thrilling. Except for Welk who was looking rather sick. They did not know where they were going, but they didn't care either. As long as they didn't have to walk.

The journey lasted until the sun went down which they were left flying in the pitch dark. The bird landed on a hard rock surface. They slipped off the Pedrai and stretched since most of their body had fallen asleep. Jacob had once more walked over to the bird.
"Thank you." Jacob said.
The bird gave a loud cooing noise and picked something from his mouth and put it in Jacobs hands. Jacob looked at it and saw it was a circular object with a gold incrusted plate which read TO THOSE WHO FIND HELP. Jacob put it in his pocket and gave the bird a hug around his neck. They walked with the Pedrai through the forest. It all the leaves from the trees and kept cooing.
Welk and Jacob were both tired and rode on the back of the Pedrai the entire way, but Mila simply walked with book in her hand keeping self conscious. They stopped and the bird gave a motion which meant he had to leave. Jacob didn't want him to leave for it would be easier if they stayed with him. They hopped off, waved good bye, and the Pedrai took off in the night sky.

Welk started a fire and they ate fruit from which Mila had packed. They didn't eat much because they were full from the flight.
"Jacob, why do you want to find the book?" Welk asked.
"Because, we worked to hard-" Mila cut him off.
"We know that's not the reason." She said.
"I want to find the book because," he gave a loud breath. "I want to prove that I'm not....worthless."
"Your not worthless." Mila said.
"Don't worry." Welk said with smirk on his face. "We are going to get that book, bring it to the quartship and-"
"No we can't."
"Iliad was the only person who could own the power of the book. With him gone." Jacob stopped. They didn't speak anymore. They laid back on the soft dirt and stared at the shooting stars in the night sky. They were all wishing for an answer.

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