Chapter Fifteen: The Harper's Flame

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Jacob took the book in his hands and tried to pry it open.
"Stop!" Marelais snatched the book from his hands. "You can't just open it, it could kill you in a matter of seconds."
He gave the book back to Jacob. Jacob was feeling glad that he actually had the book, but scared because he was in a room filled with ghost like creatures who could kill him in any second and a mad man.
Jacob looks at Welk and Mila who both looked confused and pale.
"What's wrong with them?" Jacob asked.
"Oh, nothing, the Admers are just simply sucking the energy out of them."
"Won't that kill them?"
"Of, course, two less people to care about."
"But you need all of us to complete the prophecy."
"Actually, I just need you."
At that, moment, Jacob opened the book and aimed it at the Admers. They flew away in terror with a screeching noise. A bright flash of light shone from the book, Mila had pulled out her wand and pointed it a Marelais who in blast of green light, was blown away from the force.
He got up and aimed his staff at her, but he was too late. He was being blown away again by Mila.
The room started to form a cyclone that was pushing everything back. The wind was to strong to see anything.
Jacob had kept trying to close the book. He kept replaying the prophecy iliad had told him. In the corner of his eye he saw a huge pit, that was burning a large fire. There was an inscription on the goblet that read HARPER'S FLAME. Jacob remembered the prophecy.
One who travel with two
One of magic
One of rude
Will open the book
On harpers flame to
Make the prophecy
Come true.
Harpers flame was a goblet! Without hesitation Jacob lifted the book to his head and threw the book in the goblet. It burst into a bright flash and the cyclone in the room lifted and the goblet went out.
"What have you done, you destroyed the only power in the world?!" Marelais eyes and widened and looked scared. He ran to the window without the curtain.
"This is not the end, without the power there is no order in the world, and I will be back." And with that he lept out the window and disengrated into ash and dust. There was nothing left to do, they picked them selves up, and walked out the door.

"Why did you burn the book?" Welk asked while they were walking back to the kingdom.
"Because the prophecy said so." Jacob said irritated. They were all tired, bruised and worn out. There were certainly not in mood to walk all the way back.
Jacob sat down under a tree and felt something poke him in his pocket. He pulled it out and noticed it was the circular object that the Peradri had given him. He read the words in it TO THOSE WHO FIND HELP. He noticed there was a whistle attached to it and he blew on it.
For a moment there was nothing, but a small speck in the sky came the Peradri who looked worn out also. They grabbed hold of him and they all got on his back.
"To the kingdom." Jacob said and he kicked the side and in second, they were in the air.

When they landed they thanked the bird and he flew off. They went into the castle and Mila,Welk and Jacob told the whole story to the king, the QuartShip and to his parents. The quest had been fulfilled and they were all thanked by the king for their duties.
They walked back into the forest while the sun was going down, they talked and laughed about all that happened. For once in his life, Jacob was glad. Because he had finally felt as if he were worth something.
They walked until midnight to Mila's house, waiting for tomorrow to come.

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