Chapter Three: In The Library

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"ME, THEY WANT ME TO FIND THE BOOK!" Jacob was screaming and yelling, telling everything that happened on the restance to Mila and Welk.
"Well,......" Mila was trying to figure out what to say." Maybe it's a sign."
"A sign of what, my deathbed! I am never going to accomplish this quest. Did I mention I only have 12 days to do it?"
"Several." Welk said under his breath.
"What I am going to do?" Jacob sounded so nervous and afraid. In his own mind, he as well had so no.
"Don't feel bad, that's why you have us" Mila said.
She waved her wand to a shelf and a porcelain jar crashed into the wall. Mila shrugged. Jacob hoped she knew how to fix it. Then a book came down and landed in her lap. She blew all the dust from it and opened the stained pages of the book. She opened to a chapter that read. THE BOOK OF ILIAD in large gold letters. She read aloud.
"The Book of Iliad was written in 1292 by acclaimed philosopher Kroyme Vlander Iliad. Iliad wrote the book after a war to hold and compromise the powers of each independent countries. After a mysterious incident, the book was held with the writer safe from the world around it. Said to be dangerous the holder of the book mustn't read from the book AT ALL COSTS."
"Well that doesn't leave us with much does it. We need to know more."
"Where are we gonna get more vital information." Welk said with a sarcastic tone.
Mila threw the book on the floor and picked up another one. She opened.
"Ah, I know where, but were gonna to have to seek in."

That night, they all got together to carry out Mila's plan. They had to sneak into the library and steal a few books that have the information they need. They ran through the forest quietly, hoping no one would notice three youngsters running in the woods. They reached the library. Welk tried with all his might to pry the doors but they were to locked. Mila pulled out her wand and picked up a rock, and with all her might she threw at the glass window. It broke with a Loud crash. They thought they were done, but no one heard. "Ok, whose first." Mila said. "Come on, we have to get inside.....fine, Jacob." She pointed her wand at Jacob and he automatically lifted off the ground. Mila lift him up high and suddenly threw him in the window. He fell on the cold, hard marble floor. Suddenly Welk landed on him. Then Mila floated in and landed on her feet.
"What the hell, Mila?" Yelled Jacob. "Why couldn't you just unlock the door?"
"I thought it would be fun."
They stood up and looked at the millions of shelves and books in the library. They spread out to find what they needed. Welk went to find a book on the author, Mila went to find a book on the book itself, and Jacob went to find a book on the Admers that Mila had mentioned the day of the dinner party. He found a book titled MYTHICAL DANGERS. He opened it and read in his mind.
"One of the most dangerous creatures is the mysterious Admers. These shapeshifters are summoned by the only one who was the magic to control them." Suddenly a parched piece of paper fell from the pages. Jacob picked it up and read it. In big bold letters was a caption and below the caption was a picture of a strange man. He had horns and a round pointy noise. His eyes were blood red. The poster read.
Jacob soon realized what this was. The book said Admers can be summoned by people who have the magic to do so. This Marealis guy happens to be a sorcerer. Jacob heard footsteps coming he slammed the book and took it with him. He ran into Welk and grabbed Mila and they ran out as fast as they could. They stopped in the forest to catch their breath.
"Mila, do you remember how you told me that Admers were most likely the death of Iliad?" Jacob pulled out the piece of paper from the book and handed it to them. "This was him, this was the guy who killed him.
"You're going to need more help than we thought." Mila said. "So we humbly ask to join you quest to find the book.
This was it they got there information. Jacob wasn't worried since he got help. They ran to Mila's house to get what they needed.
Their 12 days had begun.

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