Chapter Eight: The Dwarf Stone

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"You, know a way out?" Mila said.
"Yes. Dwarfs are very clever at hiding places and shortcuts. They would sneak into caves and make passageways for travelers." Welk said.
"So, how do we get out?" Jacob said.
"We look for rock."
"What the hell do you mean, we're in a cave."
"Look for the rock that is misplaced." Welk said.
He began to search for the rock that would find the way out. Mila and Jacob searched for what felt like ever. They could not find the rock. "This is hopeless." Mila said.
She leaned against a rock and she fell inwards. The cave began to shake. A huge patch of the wall came down and revealed a passageway. "Told you." Welk said.
Luckily the tunnel was already lit with torches for them to see. They ran through the different walls that formed the tunnel and marveled at the dwarf architecture. Jacob was silent and scared for the diffrent skeletons and bones that hung on the walls of the cave. Mila had only one thought in mind and it was how Welk thought of a way out.They paused to take a breath.
"Welk, we're going in circles." She said with a grunt.
"No, I'm sure we are going the right way, I have map." He said with a wink towards Mila.
"Where is it?" She said hastily rolling her eyes.
"In here." He said with a wee smile on his face. He turned his and stared at what looked like a small light in the distance.
"Wait do you see that?" Jacob said squinting his eye.
"What?" They asked.
"That light over there." He said. He ran after the light hoping it was something important.
They paused and gasped. In front of them was a huge glowing rock. Welk obviously knew what was since he was the most interested in the stone.
"What is it?"Jacob asked.
"It's the dwarf stone. It has the only power in the world to teleport people." Welk took no time to think, he picked up the rock and shoved it in his pocket. "Perfect we could use it to get the book." Jacob said.
Suddenly a huge stalagmite fell from the tunnel. "Come on the tunnel is collapsing on us." They ran through the tunnel, hoping they wouldn't be caved in again.
They finally were out of the cave. The rocks clammed in on the only exit.
"Quick get the rock out." Jacob said in a hurry.
Welk felt his pockets, but there was no trace of the rock on him.
"Way to go idiot, you left it in the cave." Mila said.

After walking and eating the apricots from the trees. They ran into a merchant who was loading bales of hay on a carriage. They jumped onto the carriage and hid under the hay to hitch a ride up north. They felt a strong wind hit the carriage. Jacob got up and checked to see the driver. But in the drivers place, was a ghoulish gray Admer. He stretched his hand and grabbed Jacob by the neck. Mila popped out of the hay just in time to save Jacob. The Admer vanished and left the carriage driver less.
None of them had any knowledge of what to do. Welk took hold of the helm. They dodged the different forks in the road and nearly fell off a cliff.
There came a boulder in the road and there was no way of dodging it. They jumped out of the carriage just in time before it was broken to splinters. They got up and dusted off the wood and dust from their clothes. They walked into the forest.
"Remind me not to take directions from you again." Jacob said.

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