Chapter Six: The Dark Forest

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They woke up when the sunlight hit their faces. It was a cold morning. Mila had gotten up early to make breakfast and Welk had slept in. Jacob woke up last, only realizing that they had 10 days left. He quickly ate an apple and packed his stuff.
"Come on, we only got ten days left, and we are not even close to the book." Jacob said with a yawn.
"Can't we just sleep." Welk said with a muffled voice.
"Jacob is right Welk," Mila said. "We already lost half the morning. We need to get going."
Welk got up with a grunt. They needed all the help they could get to go in the dark forest.
The dark forest was a dangerous with nightmarish creatures. Not even the bravest of people had made out alive. So Mila Jacob and Welk were pretty skeptical about going.
They started walking into the forest. They heard wolves, and owls and saw a few deer. They didn't walk that fast because they needed to stay together. They didn't speak because they were too afraid that something would hear them.

Jacob couldn't stop staring at the trees. He noticed something different about them. They didn't seem like real trees. When the wind blew, the leaves would never move. The road in the forest was made of dirt and covered with leaves. Which surprised Jacob because the trees wouldn't shed. He stared at a tree and watch one of the leaves fall on the road. He picked it up and to his surprise felt that is was plastic. He gave it to Mila and she held in it her hand for a long minute. Soon they heard a rustle in the leaves. They huddled together and Mila pulled out her wand.
They watched the trees.
Again Mila saw a face in the tree. She didn't hesitate. She yelled a spell and pointed her wand at the tree. The tree burst into flames. Suddenly all the trees got sucked in the ground. After a minute, they popped out, but instead of trees, in their place were army men made out of wood with sharp spears.
"Don't move, there pinesmen. They attack at slightest of movement." Mila said under her breath.
Welk didn't listen, he ran as fast as he could and sure enough the pinesmen chased after him.
Mila and Jacob chased after him while Mila was putting the spells on the pinesmen. One by one, in burst of flames they and shriveled into ashes.
Mila took her wand and gathered the ashes into her own pinesmen. She sent them To fight the trees, while her and Jacob grabbed Welk.
They caught up to Welk and hid behind a large rock. Mila punched Welk on the arm.
"Ow, what the hell was that for?" He said rubbing his arm.
"You moved when I told you not to!" She said.
"Now shut the hell up so we can get out of here. They can't hold them off that long."
They waited a few minutes. After a while they ran so the pines men wouldn't notice them.
"Now what do we do?" Said Welk rubbing sweat from his forehead.
"We just have to get off this road." Said Jacob.
They kept walking because they had no choice.

They walked for hours until the sun went down. The dark forest was black at night. There was no point of light except the torch that Welk was carrying. Mila had her wand at the ready. Jacob was a worse state then anybody. He had a huge headache and his his stomach was turning.
The sound of animals had left the forest completely. The wind at night blew so fiercely, it almost knocked them over. Soon, the wind blew out Welk's torch and him, Mila and Jacob were now alone in the dark.
They heard a twig snap and Mila blasted her wand directly at the noise. It did nothing. Jacob did see some thing form from the darkness. Two bright yellow eyes. The eyes began to move in a swaying motion. Soon more eyes began to show all around them and they began to growl. Jacob saw a several wolves show out of the dark.
They began running which was stupid because they all knew they couldn't out run a pack of hungry wolves. Mila knew exactly what to do. She pulled out three pearls from her satchel. She gave one to each of them.
"When I throw mine in the ground, you throw yours." She said.
She said a spell loudly and they threw all three pearls on the ground. Smoke came from the pearls and lifted in to the air they started coughing on it. When the smoke lifted, Jacob was surprised to see animals instead of Welk and Mila. Mila was a deer and Welk had turned into a snake. Jacob noticed that he also had turned into an owl. He didn't know how this would help. They started running from the wolves except Jacob who flew above everyone. While in the air, he started thinking of deer for some strange reason. With a sudden crash he fell in the ground, but when he got up he wasn't an owl, was deer! He though of a bear, and he changed into a bear. Welk who had noticed Jacob changed turned into ram. Instead of running from the pack, Welk ran towards them. He charged into them knocking down wolves one by one. Jacob soon also faced the wolves and fought back.
The wolves ran away, and Jacob and Welk thought everything was okay. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a deer. They turned around to see a wolf bite the leg of Mila. Welk tossed at it, and it ran into the trees. They soon turned back to human form, and Jacob and Welk had a few cuts and bruises. Mila had large cut on her leg. Jacob and Welk tried to move, but she was in too much pain. They laid her against a tree and in some way to help her. Mila had pulled out her wand and tapped the injury. It went away almost immediately, but to Mila there was still pain left.
Tired and worn out, they laid on the road falling a sleep.
Jacob lay wide awake looking at the stars. He thought in his head, I never want to go in a forest again.

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