Chapter Seven: The Skelton Cave

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They woke up on a damp, cold morning. They woke up exhausted and tired from the whole dilemma in the forest. Mila still had pain her leg from the wolf bite. Jacob, indeed was in a hurry. Realizing they only had nine days left, one of them was injured, and they still don't know where to go. They stretched their legs to get ready for the long day ahead, when some thing hit Jacob on the head. He picked it up and noticed it was a letter. He tried his best to rub the stained mud off if it. He opened it and noticed it was from the quartship. It read.
Dear Prince Jacob,
The quartship and I have been monitoring your progress on
Your quest. We would like to tell you we are extremely proud of
How far you have come. But I am afraid I am the barrier of bad news
We have received intelligence that you are traveling with two others to
Fulfill your quest.
In the RuleBook of Royalty Chapter 1891 Section1267
Paragraph 3948. It specifically states that you must fulfill the quest
On your own.
In accordance with the Quartship, you have here by failed your quest.
You are to return home and resume your duties as Prince.

Rivile Mintlack
Head of the QuartShip Powers.

After reading it to himself he read it out loud to Mila and Welk.
"Now what do we do?" Welk asked.
"I guess we go back." Mila said disappointed.
"No, we don't," said Jacob."We have come to far to turn around now. We have been chased, bitten, tricked, drowned, splintered, and turned into other animals. I am not turning back. You guys can't but I won't. I'm getting that book. If your with or without me."
"We're with you to the end." Mila said.

While they were walking, Mila saw a the leaves on a bush rustle. She automatically ran over to see what it was. She pushed the bush back to see a whole pack of paralyzed wolves lying still on the ground.
"What happened to them?" Welk asked.
"The wolves that chased us were Admers. Admers take the from of anything and kill the victim." Jacob said.
"Why do we always run into Admers?" Welk said.
Suddenly a light went off in Jacob's head. "That's it!"
"What?" Mila said.
"Throughout the entire trip, we ran into Admers. Like bread crumbs. We follow them, they're leading us to the book."
"Why would they help us if they're against us."
"Because they're trying to kill us. But they fail. We just have to follow the Admers and we will find iliad's book."
After that they took off on the dirt road.

When they came to the edge of the forest, there was no way out. They saw a huge cave surrounding them. Welk lit a torch and they walked into the cave. The cave came inward and was narrow. They dodged all the bugs and snakes on the floor. One got in Mila's hair which made never move again.
The more they walked, the tighter the space got. Soon they were hunched between rock and mud. Mila never moved her for she stared at a simple cave drawing on the wall. She held them back and told them to not move. "Why?" Jacob asked. "Because the drawing reads BEWARE YOUR STEP." Welk was claustrophobic and could not be held he took one step, and the whole cave shook.
"You idiot, I told you not to move!" Mila yelled at him.
The cave shook and roof grew more upward which gave them more space. They heard crumbling of rocks and looked back to see that the entrance had collapsed. They were trapped.
Suddenly, there was a small figure that appeared from the rocks. Mila pulled out her wand in case it was an Admers. It was in the shape of Skelton. Suddenly Jacob, Welk, and Mila had felt a tight grab on their wrist. They had been ambushed.
The Skelton in front of them spoke."What brings you to this cave ?" It said.
"We were on are way out." Mila said with a sharp hiss.
"There is no way out of the cave, the only way out, is to join us. We do get so lonely it's not everyday we have fresh meet." It said.
They soon all swarmed around them. They felt them everywhere and all they could see was bones. Mila pushed them out of the way and held her wand out. She pointed her wand at one of the skeletons and but it didn't do anything. She blasted a whole in the cave wall nearly knocking them all over. They quickly got up and ran to find a way out. The Skelton army was soon to follow. Mila had tried to find a way out, but the cave itself was a maze and it took a lot of thinking to get out.
They soon came across a dead end. There was no way out. The Skelton army soon caught up to them. Mila had no choice, she blasted her wand at the ceiling and it caved in on them.
Now there was no way out.
"I didn't know skeletons lived in caves."said Jacob.
"Yes, they do." She said. "Way to go Welk, now you got us all trapped. What the hell were you thinking?" She said.
"It was you who caved us in genius." Welk said.
They began this long fight over who trapped who. Which was very annoying and made no sense, since no one was winning.
"Stop fighting." Jacob said."it's not going to do any good. We need to try and find a way out."
"I know a way out." Welk said. Which for once in his life surprised somebody.

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