Chapter Eleven: The House in the Woods⏳

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They woke up on a dark, foggy morning. It was lonesome and quiet and Jacob had no idea of what the plan was for today. He told Mila and Welk to skip breakfast because it would be a long walk out of the forest.
The forest was small and rigid. The trees stood straight and didn't move and there wasn't one sign of an animal living there. Something sat in the pit of Jacob's stomach that something was wrong.
Welk looked out of place, bobbing his head and moving around to keep himself awake. He had bags and his stomach proceeded to growl. Mila, for once, wasn't reading her books. She was looking quite pale and silent for change, which seemed odd.
Suddenly the same thing happened again, a letter had fallen on Jacob's head. He picked it up and noticed it was from his parents. He read it to himself.
Dear Jacob,
We have heard the news that
you have failed your quest.
Do not feel bad or disappointed.
We know you tried your best and
That is all we could ever ask for.
Go and find the book and
Prove them wrong.
Jacob folded the paper neatly and tucked it in his satchel. He kept walking and had a small grin on his face now he had a reason to find the book.

"Do you even know where we are going?" Mila asked as her a Welk tugged over a map.
"It doesn't matter." Jacob said looking around.
"Yes it does matter because" Welk stopped to yank back the map. "We don't know where we are."
"Before we decide, let's find something to eat." Jacob said while pulling back the tree branches. Mila and Welk decided to join him, simply because they ripped the map.
Jacob was climbing the tall trees to get the fruit on the leaves. While he was reaching for the fruit, he turned his head and saw something that knocked him out of the tree. He got up, and ran after what he saw. "Mila, Welk, you better come look at this." He said.
What Jacob saw was a house. It was a house that was two-stories. The windows were broke and the ones that remained were fogged up. It was made out of wood and was growing mold on the sides. What got them the most is that smoke was still coming from the chimney.
They walked into the house which was in a complete mess. Books and paper were thrown everywhere on the floor. They scattered about looking around the house. Jacob went upstairs and saw that there were multiple photos on the walls. He looked at them and blew the dust off them. He noticed it was the same face in every picture, and instantly it came to his head.
"You guys, this house belonged to Kroyme Vlander Iliad."
They looked around for clues that would help them find the book, but all they could find were blank pages of paper. Suddenly, Mila saw a paper that had words on it. She picked it up and gave it to Jacob.
Jacob couldn't understand what the page was saying. He put it down on the ground. When he put it down he saw and noticed soon all the pages were covered in words. The words made no sense, but they meant something.
"Where are these pages coming from?" He asked.
"From the book of Iliad." Came yet again another voice from the back of the room. Since the last time, Jacobs intentions were to ignore it. But there was something about the face he couldn't turn away from.
"Who are you?"Jacob asked.
"My name not matters," he said. "But I know who you are."
"You were sent to find my book."
Jacob couldn't believe that he was Kroyme Vlander Iliad.
"How are you alive?" Mila asked.
"I simply put a paralyzingly spell on my self to seem dead, goodness knows what would happen if people knew that." He said looking through all the papers on the floor.
"So you can do magic?" Welk asked looking surprised as Mila.
"Of course, how do you think the book lived so long." Iliad was throwing the papers on the floor.
"So, you did magic and never told anybody?" Jacob said so confused.
"Of course, the book all together is just one spell. And know my son wants it and-"
"Wait, your son?" Jacob said widely eyed.
"Yes, my son, he is after the book."
"This makes so much sense now," Jacob said turning to Mila and Welk. "Iliad's son ran away from home, but no one knew what happened to him. His son is Marealis. He wants the book to hold the power in the world and to use the magic inside. And the only way he could of picked up magic is by blood."
"But that doesn't explain why he is sending the Admers after us if he has the book." Mila said.
"Admers, nasty little creatures," iliad said while he was picking himself off the ground. "Because of me, I wrote in the book that the magic could not be opened by just reading it, it has to be opened through a prophecy.The ones who don't open it and just read it suffer the consequences of not following the rules, like that poor girl.
An order for the book to open I wrote a prophecy that states
One who travel with two
One of magic
One of rude
Will open the book
On harpers flame to
Make the prophecy
Come true.
He isn't sending the Admers to kill you. He is sending them to capture you."
The moment he finished the sentence their was a loud screech and windows burst open. The Admers had found them.
"Go you must go, don't let them get you." Iliad said pushing them out the door.
"What about you." Jacob asked.
"I'll be fine just go." They ran out of the door, hiding from the Admers. They watched as the house of Iliad was camouflaged by the ongoing Admers. They ran and didn't stop.
They knew they were dealing with so much more.

Thanks to those who have been reading my book. Don't forget to like or comment to tell me your opinions.

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