Rythna Mini-fic: Promise

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Snow crunched beneath boots and two men walked through the forest, hands intertwined with one another as the cold air nipped at their skin. Warm breath escaped through the mouth of the blonde, creating a small cloud of steam in front of the pair. Violet and emerald eyes pierced through the darkness as they gleamed brightly. 

The taller brunette sighed, "Why did we fight in the first place?", his deep voice spoke, braking the peaceful silence.

The scientist thought for awhile, "Well, people are made to love, hate and fight. I guess it was just a petty fight..." he replied, his hand grasping the other larger one tighter. 

The mage sighed, looking around himself.

The beautiful forest silent as the wind hushed the trees to sleep, stars gleaming in the sky alongside the great moon. The night was scary, but all this made him forget about the monsters and war. All of this beauty was destroyed once, because of a stupid war that led to nothing but sadness.

The mage suddenly stopped, quickly wrapping his arms around the man, burying his face into the mess of fluffy hair. 

"I never want to loose you Lalna, i could never forgive myself if you were gone. Just please promise me that whatever comes in the future, we will always stand by each other." Rythian spoke softly, however seriousness flowed in his voice.

Lalna stood, his arms wrapping around the mage's waist. 

"I promise, Ryth."

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