Rythsounds- Nerd

170 9 2

Everyone knew that Kim was one of the best Nintendo players, well, one of three. Sometimes, however, she got into her game so much she turned into one of those hardcore gamers who never did anything BUT gaming. She was lucky to have Rythian though, he was always there to set her straight again.

It was just another sunny day in Bristol, everyone outside enjoying the sun while it lasted before the miserable rain came back. Rythian had just gone to the store to get some things like milk and bread, but also some ice lollies for him and Kim to have. Once he returned to their shared house, he walked in on his lover sitting in front of their TV, eyes glued to the millions of pixels, and playing Mario Cart. Rythian sighed and shook his head as she screamed at Donkey Kong zooming past her.

"Kim, why are you on the Wii when it's so sunny out?" he asked, setting the heavy shopping bags aside. 

"Busy. Must win." she mumbled back, leaning her body to the side as if she was actually in the game.

"You'll ruin your eyes like that" he said, walking over to her and placing a hand on her head.

Kim just grumbled in reply as she came 2nd in her race, but before she could restart a new race Rythian quickly scooped her up in his arms and carried her bridal style outside. She flailed her arms and legs, but quickly covered her eyes as they walked into the backyard.

"Nooo! Take me back inside so i can finish beating Yoshi's ass!" she shouted, letting her eyes adjust to the light.

Rythian just grinned as he walked down the yard. Kim instantly knew what he was doing and screamed.

"RYTHY NO!" she screeched, but Rythian had already thrown her into the small pool they owned.

He laughed as she floated up with an adorable put on her face. If she could cross her arms without drowning, that would've made it a whole lot cuter.

"I hate you"

"I love you too, Nerd"

Is it bad that i've never actually written about a straight couple before? 

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